Would it be possible to make a LoD Spike Trap Build?

What I mean is, with Spike Trap now having 3 multi-pliers with three special abilities, which seems standard for most LoD/LoN builds, isn’t it theoretically possible to make a Spike Trap build without Natalya’s?

The cooldown on Spike Traps would probably limit it, but as it stands now, LoD/LoN would be a bigger bonus than Natalya (90X to 70X respectively).


The Nat’s 2p bonus and the chain reaction bonus on the 6p will probably make Nat’s Spike Trap quite a bit stronger than LoD Spike Trap though.

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You’re probably right. Kinda shoots that down, doesn’t it.

But having both rings available, multipliers to either cold or fire, and other legendary abilities would at least make it interesting, maybe.

The issue is that spike traps without the new 2pc Nats mechanic would be extremely clunky and awful to play. It’s the worst designed DH skill.

You can build it right now if you want. They only added more damage to the previous legendaries for next patch, that’s it.