Would Critical Mass be OP given the current state of D3?

Title. Nowadays it seems like it would be fine, given we have freaking orotz.


If it’s brought back unchanged? Probably so, considering critical mass reduced the cooldown of all skills, unlike orotz, which reduced the cooldown of one skill.

If critical mass was ever brought back; it wouldn’t be without some alteration.

Orotz reduces all skills as long as you’re hitting with a spender. Imo dont think critical mass would be bad at all, might make some good wizard builds

Yes, but not all at once; while orotz can reduce the cooldown of all skills, it could only do so one at a time; unlike critical mass, which would reduce the cooldown of all skills at once when procced.

i really miss critical mass thats when i i enjoyed playing D3 the most, but its all in the past now :confused:

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