Would anyone actaully be against an MA skill buff?

i mean i am totally against balance changes… i want none of the first patch.

but when the 2nd patch comes around i wouldn’t mind some tweaks to some
“never used” skills to increase build diversity

now to start off when i say MA sin skill buffs i am:
purposely EXCLUDING three skills
tiger strike ( which is very commonly used in VLLD)
dragon flight ( which is freaking amazing)
and dragon talon ( which is used as a endgame viable kicker skill for proc builds)

these skills ARE currently used so DO NOT TOUCH THEM.

any skill that is viable imo should not be touched at all

but for the rest of the tree, its really sad :frowning:

even outside of the damage issues the “charge up” process is extremely bad.
using one charge up skill does not refresh the duration of the other charges,
and while the new console controller with 6 skill bars might make it possible to effectively use more than 1 skill its still very clunky.

i feel that increasing the duration of the spinny-orbs to match that of feral rage , letting any orb refresh that duration, and after doing so cap the max orb u can have at 9-12 ( 3-4 skills with 3 orbs)

with those changes i feel damage buffs at higher levels and proper synergies could make the MA sin, WORTHY of the assassin trailer we were given.

and now yes i am against balance changes… but does ne1 REALLY not agree that MA sin is trash at at least needs some love? Even if not in the same changes i suggested?


I feel like they should focus on taking out cooldowns from skills that don’t need them first like hydra etc and go back to how those skills used to be in old patches first before they do any real rebalancing

having said that I only see them doing rebalancing in a separate realm or expansion because its too big to include in just a normal patch

as someone who is maining the assassin, I hate MA but I love her kicks so much, would be welcome to change any of those skills from charges to something else because that mechanic is awful no matter how you look at it

I would have loved for blade shield to maybe be made a bit more useful for a level 30 skill and it would have been so nice to be able to use fade and burst of speed together :weary:

That’s actually a really interesting point. Over the years some skills were changed (and inadvertently nerfed?) as a result of “performance issues” not “balance issues”, so it would be interesting to re-imagine how they could be on modern servers/b.net going back to their original interactions. Not sure if the underlying game code still being there would pose problems or not though.

Yeah I’m torn about this too. Expansion is a neat idea b/c then it really is “optional” in terms of people have the choice to just play the base D2R game with not changes if they don’t want any. But on the flip side that might be gating other new content (end game activities or Act 6?) behind unwanted changes, so that could get tricky. Of course the people not interested in balance changes may be the same who aren’t interested in new content, so having the D2R base game may be all they need/want anyway.

Separate realm is also a neat idea to give people the choice, but the downside of that is if the player base will be large enough to support the split. The fact that all the realms will be compressed to a few regions may help with that though?

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I played MA sin a few times and despite it being fun, this was the reason I lost interest every time. I wouldn’t be against changes to the charge up system being looked at.

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I made a thread about it if you want to give it a look, the more we talk about it the better chance they will take it into account:

you’re right it might split the community a bit but It might be a good solution because as it is right now people that only like to play classic diablo( base game with no expansion) are able to enjoy the game without being forced to play LoD and I think most players will probably travel to the new realm once it will be interduced but they will have the option to play vanilla LoD if they choose too

you also made a good point about the player base being larger because of the region union, I have a feeling if they implement it, it would feel similar to how Classic, LoD and hardcore/softcore sections feel right now

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MA , Blades also…no synergys, bad dmg.

how is actually the damage of the “kicks” calculated and displayed ?
is that buggy too ? is it EVER displayed how much damage you do with “kicks” ?
isn’t it always the damage of the weapon you are holding that is displayed ? what about “kicks” ?
feels rly weird

no the damage that is displayed is the damage of your kick with your chosen boots per 1 of your kicks and you’re right it is rather buggy and does not display your actually damage properly, assassin is also rather buggy herself, you don’t get any + from the weapon you are holding or %ED for your kicks and that also includes +damage charms!

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yeah i do how they fix the kick damage bugs, at at least make it so the character screen shows kick damage appropriately.

i know there are a few but i haven’t played my kicksin since like 2013, it wasn’t one of the builds i remade in 2018.

so i cent remember exactly what the bugs are anymore

I’m making one for D2R launch as my starter :slight_smile:

This is a quick budget version I made for the start of the game: https://d2.maxroll.gg/d2planner/6p0106k1

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I’d love to see the Assassin MA become more viable. Keeping the charges longer is a great idea. To me the biggest problem is generally that you just don’t have enough points to max out any MA build. There are way too many options to really max anything the way other builds need maxing. The Kickers have the lowest point investment and that’s probably why those are the main MA builds people make.

I’d love some better MA builds that encourage you to charge a skill and release it while still doing some damage. The builds that seem to work are those that just ignore the charging skills and focus on finishing moves. These leave enough points for other things.


yes , i wouldn’t mind MA , druids summon (and eventually druid bear tree) and hydra to be a bit
buffed personally.

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