Wizard Firebirds Set / Mirror Images freezing game

Say no more, cant play with sound still and much worse with wizards. I was in group for bird runs.

|2021.04.27 17:37:08.085417500|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:11.235314400|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:14.353136900|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:15.243697600|Disabling loading screen for 1, 0|
|2021.04.27 17:37:22.415029200|Disabling loading screen for 1, 0|
|2021.04.27 17:37:23.580346800|Disabling loading screen for 1, 0|
|2021.04.27 17:37:31.048327100|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:34.183177700|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:37.303023300|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:37.819929700|Disabling loading screen for 1, 0|
|2021.04.27 17:37:42.441930400|Disabling loading screen for 1, 0|
|2021.04.27 17:37:42.714217100|Disabling loading screen for 1, 0|
|2021.04.27 17:37:42.779507700|Disabling loading screen for 1, 0|
|2021.04.27 17:37:43.022774300|I 16:37:43.022864 [BGS] |event=rich_presence_failure|key=id: 2052610, id: 14589049 program: 17459 region: 2|missing_presence_unique_id=0 (src\low\service\presence\rich_presence.cpp:156)|
|2021.04.27 17:37:50.318445900|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:53.443203300|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|
|2021.04.27 17:37:56.585588900|FMOD Error sound not ready in 200ms|

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