Witch Doctors set

I have just tested a pure spider build.
Feels like it does no damage.
I dunno maybe they should make it that your zombie dogs turn into spiders, or attacks spawn spiders.
Set needs a total rework not just a buff.

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This Spider build got poor AOE.
I bet the old Firebat build can do better clears using OLD SET bonus.

I haven’t played it yet in the PTR but from what I remember, throwing jars is kind of slow and cumbersome and I generally did not like waiting for my damage when so many other skills just do damage on cast or are already spawned to hit things. Spiders feels like extra steps and more work and not much payoff. I don’t think you could buff the skill high enough in it’s current form to make people want to actively use them for more then a few minutes.

They really should have buffed the Gargs/Dogs to a working end game viable state again and ignored the spiders.

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I’d take that bet, However it would be nice of the Arachir set could support two decent builds rather than one. Firebats OR Spiders.


Or Toads. I have some ideas to make Toads amazing.

So far with meager paragon I can do GR80 with the Arachyr Spiders under 5 min. It’s not exactly fluent build, the Corpse Spiders is a bit clunky to use but the damage seems decent.

One thing I noticed is that despite how the set bonuses are worded, the spiders aren’t considered pets. As such don’t bother with pet bonuses like Enforcer, Mask of Jeram, etc. However on the flipside, since they’re not pets, they do benefit from the Ring of Emptiness.

Thing that I did not properly test is since Spiders are a primary skill, is it necessary to use Blazing Spiders rune to benefit from Depth Diggers? Those pants explicitly state that it buffs resource generating primaries. LoD Darts builds needs to the Spined Dart rune for the very same reason.

Spirit of Arachyr this set is clunky and weak.
(2 piece) this set bonus needs to be replaced.
how about: you have the leaping spiders rune an medusa rune(web releases on jar impact location), all spiderlings last forever (max 9), when you throw your jar spiderlings jump to that area.

(4 piece) this bonus should do the opposite. the Witchdoctor releases the spider web, to reduce enemy movement and increase ally movement speed 40%. all enemies in the spider web deal -75% reduced damage. the queen spider and spiderlings can only travel on the web released under the player or by the thrown spiderlings jars.

(6 piece) enemies poisoned by your spider queen/spiderlings take 15k additional damage from all sources and 25k from your creature spells.

------My ideas for changes to the set-------
this is a far more satisfying way to play. you can kite the monsters or you can tank the monsters. throwing spiderling jars is frustrating and time consuming and weak compared to instant poison dart damage. if the set is based around a bad ability you have to make the set change the ability or its not worth using the set.

Yes, I tested this. Blazing spiders is required for depth diggers to work.

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Yeah, for spiders to be any kind of good they would need to make an item that auto throws spiders or something


The solution has been around for a while now :wink:

[WD 2.7.1 suggestion] Celebrating the Critters - Witch Doctor - Diablo 3 Forums (blizzard.com)

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I disagree a bit.

Creatures overall have been ignored. And now with these changes and shift to spider-only it further ignores creatures as a whole.

I think Arachyr’s could be reworked to include focus on all creatures both defensively and offensively.

And then add a damage buff to another item for a frog-themed build using Arachyr’s as well. Hex and Piranhado could use some buffs too but I feel like hex is more a fetish “pet” than a “creature”


SpicyMeat called it 8 months ago!



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Try Spider Queen rune , it should be buffed by enforcer and jeram

Well, it’s not terrible but considering the season buff it should be better.

I’d say buff the new belt, there’s room for adjustments.

Arachyr set is still utter trash. So is Helltooth.

RE: “Creatures overall have been ignored. And now with these changes and shift to spider-only it further ignores creatures as a whole.”

Agreed. This new Corpse Spider build is welcome, but I wish that changes could have been made to enhance the Firebats build or maybe make newer builds possible.

I’d prefer something like this:

  • Spirit of Arachyr (2-piece bonus): Summon a permanent Spider Queen who leaves behind webs that lasts for 15 seconds and Slows enemies. The Spider Queen is commanded to move to where you cast your Corpse Spiders. While Spider Queen is active, Corpse Spiders spawns with health and attacks twice as fast.

  • Spirit of Arachyr (4-piece bonus): Locust Swarm causes affected enemies to deal 75% reduced damage for 15 seconds.

  • Spirit of Arachyr (6-piece bonus): Creature skills do 20000% increased damage and cost 15-20% less mana.

This minor adjustment would improve the Firebats build and still allow for the new Corpse Spiders build. Also it would work with the Arachyr set dungeon. I hope the devs will consider this kind of change.

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The Spider Queen’s Grasp is good improvement. Though the damage is still low. What about giving us all spider runes with up to three spider groups. Meaning a spider queen will appear with four little spiders and they last 10-15 seconds. The 10-15 seconds will give time so we can move around if need be.

Another idea is having the double the spiders instead of 4 we have 8 and still having 10-15 seconds time span.

Lastly since the Spirit of Arachyr (4 -piece set) is just awful right now. Since we would use the Ring of Emptyness then making the set use Locust swarm damage reducer since it lasts 8 seconds and we would be constantly using it every time we encounter mobs.

RE: " Since we would use the Ring of Emptyness then making the set use Locust swarm damage reducer since it lasts 8 seconds and we would be constantly using it every time we encounter mobs."

My suggestion for a change to the set is for Locust Swarm to do 75% damage reduction which lasts 15 seconds after LS attacks an enemy.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if Bogodile got a buff too here as well as frogs, bats and spiders?

I haven’t been able to test yet further but i believe those 150 clears are more due to the season theme rather than the set itself.

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