Will we see more zDPS soloing 150's in s22 than s21?

No, actually i just wanted to point out the big difference between assuming / believing something and knowing something.

So…i ASSUME that the clones won’t be weak, but i also ASSUME that they wont kill the riftguardian for you.

I further base my ASSUMPTION on the fact that many previous season themes have been fairly strong.

Do you get it now?

And what shall i envy you for?

Your attitude?
Your lack of selfreflection?

Give me a hint please.

Oh and as you started to quote socrates, here is one that is quite good:

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”

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I just cannot replicate this at all, not at the speeds you’re getting at least. Move speed, sure, I can run around all day and get sub 55min runs without an issue, but pure blood rush I can’t even break 1 hour. I’ve tried full CDR builds ignoring movements speed, I’ve tried full IAS builds and that appears to have zero affect on blood rush. Even with ingeom procs vs other move speed based necros, blood rush is just not performing faster no matter what I do. I can have LotD in the build with a near 100% uptime (not in towns obviously) I certainly need to fire manual corpse lances at doors as consumed lances don’t target objects.

As for other classes, DH, Barb and Wizard have already recorded runs sub 50 mins, but only just. WD not far behind and monk is waaaay out in front at below 40 mins.

For the love of god, submit a video! :smiley:

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I sure hope so, the game isn’t broken enough yet! :roll_eyes:

I am wondering, has there ever been a “Hack and Slash, Dungeon Crawler” were you could beat the game with ZERO damage? I can’t think of one.

I have tried your build for laugh and giggles(which is the same build wudijo used) and it does work because it uses a game mechanic to make you immortal for as long as you can kept LotD up. But in order to do it you gimp the hell out of your ability to do damage. You have to get rid of too many Damage rings in order to kept the cooldowns high enough plus dropping a legend gem . As a solo build :-1:.

which build are you referring to? Blood spear? You lose CoE but gain 80% damage from Cooldown reduction. It does enough damage. The gem you swap gives a little cooldown which translates to damage, but it also gives you a huge attack speed boost that also translates into a lot of damage as well.

i bet you were shocked as to how amazing it was, but your hatorade wouldnt let you admit it.

Well let me tell you something, Bobby Ray Valentine, I’ve got another build coming hard and fast so buckle up.

There was no hate in what I said, I only gave my honest opinion of the build. The attack speed does not add up the lost from Zei,s . And the so called 80% is only if you kept the stacks going. You also lose some damage from the skills you trade in for cooldown options. Sorry you can call me unskill, a sorry player, whateva it just doesn’t have the damage that other builds have.

It is not the tools we use that make us good, but rather how we employ them. Upon failure, it’s easier to blame the tools used rather than how they were employed.

“A Good Craftsman Never Blames His Tools” - Pablo Picasso

Well in Diablo they are. If not, proof me wrong and do a GR150 with a grey dagger blue items, toxin + iceblink + gem of ease.

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You guys got sucked in by Bra/Nay bluster.

Put up or shut up with one of your “real accounts” and let us see what you can do.
Identify yourself when you do.
I don’t buy the “I’m so good that I can’t identify myself because someone may steal my build” BS


To be honest, i haven’t done any testing with the new season but with a superficial obseration i cannot think an obvious way to do Gr 150 as a zdps. Then again, you 'd have to consider all 7 classes and how their clones behave and function. To have the clones do a great deal of damage is not the worst thing that can happen to the game imo, as it would compensate for the low number of paragons compared to the non-seasonal characters and it’s just a season. It will just stay there for 3 months. If you are a good player, you 're good with or without the buff. If you enjoy the game, you do with or w/out the buff. Pretty nice though, that we have 2 buffs in one season. If some builds do 10,15 rifts higher than their “natural” limit, i have no objection whatsoever.

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Ok, I will personally call you GOD OF DIABLO if I see you in the top 10 of solo Necro with a character we know that’s yours, using the methods you describe here. The build is ok, but you have to get it very high on augments in order to get the damage that’s required. Why do that, when other builds will get you there faster. It doesn’t require skill to play an immortal necro, but with a high damage character that has to use skill to stay alive.

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Don’t forget the criteria that Bravata’s GR150 clearing Necromancer has to be using the Jesseth’s set because, as per his own thread, it’s the only thing Necromancers will use in Season 22.

I vote for a non-ancient Jesseths Set for the 150 clear as a good craftsman never blames his tools… xD

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Jesseth’s Set, Captain Crimson Set, MotBC Set, ORotZ Ring, RoRG Ring, Krysbin’s Ring.
Skills-- Must include LotD and Command Skeletons
Legend Gem–Must include GoS Gem
Cube Slot --Must include Leoric’s Crown
The rest is your choice. I think this is what you claimed to be the build.

Unlike Snowballs, the clones dont do much at very high rifts so zDPS isnt happening unless they remove whatever hidden throttle they have on them.

I prefer it this way, just wish they’d also let us block them from spawning or at least pick their abilities and also make them follow us closer.

The clones are irrelevant, as you said you had a super top secret GR150 capable build that you wouldn’t tell anyone about. We can only presume it’s GR150 capable with or without the clones. You said you’ll only play Season 22 for a fortnight until Shadowlands comes out, so we look forward to, and expect, to see some screenshots / videos of your clearance(s) and, of course, it has to be with Jesseth’s because, as you’ve told us, it’s the only thing to equip in Season 22.


And here comes the 180

Well, this is just beautiful


nice try but your post is literal nonsense.

The earlier posts were before ptr and based on the devs saying clones damage will be based on our damage.

the last post is after we’ve clearly seen that they put a hidden throttle on the clones damage in high GR’s. I’m guessing at 120 they lose more then half their power.

so i guess my posts were actually accurate, as usual.

About as accurate as you were about Jesseth’s


Since the clones scale to our stats and damage output, but don’t use the same skills. Its possible that clones damage output will never be on par with us. The idea is to help us with damage not to equal or out do us.