Will gem used for augmenting count towards season journey?

Just wondering if I could use a level 70 gem to augment and if it would still count towards the “Level 3 gems to level 70” achievement after that or if I have to keep it around and have to have 3 level 70 gems at the same time.

you need to have all 3 at the same time for it to count. After you get the completion you are free to use them as augments. Also when you have 3 of them over 70, you need to run one GR and level any gem for it to trigger the season completion.


And which can be seen by Urshi.

If you have three 70 on 3 different toons, it doesn’t work.

I assume whispers of attunment are excluded from this rule?
Because I have one of those and read that some people used them for this achievement.

You’ll find the answer in this post

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Basically, the way it works. You need 3 gems to be over 70. If you already have 3 whisper gems that are over 70, then just levelling one normal legendary gem any amount will trigger the completion of those requirements. The 3 gems all need to be on the same character of course and if you use them for augments before having the completion then they won’t count for it.

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Oh they actually show up at Urshi, didnt even check that lol.

Alright got it, thank you guys :slight_smile:
Shame I cant use the whisper to give myself a boost yet.


Just realized that this stands in contrast to whats written in the post that Strix linked:
“If I’d obtained three whispers at 70 or above, the task would not have been marked off as completed. It’s the act of upgrading a gem to the right level, and the result of that upgrade being that you have three (or more) gems of that level, which triggers the task completion.”

No it doesn’t. Both say the same thing: the ONLY time the game checks for legendary gem achievements is when you attempt a gem upgrade with Urshi. And it runs a very rudimentary check. You need to have 3 (or whatever number the achievement requires) at or above a certain level. Then you will get the achievement. The game does not check at any other time, so simply having 3 gems over 70 will not trigger the achievement. You still have to run a GR and upgrade a gem with Urshi.

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Thats not how I read the comment on the other post.
" It’s the act of upgrading a gem to the right level, and the result of that upgrade being that you have three (or more) gems of that level, which triggers the task completion."
Im not trying to argue since I dont know which one is correct, just saying that I think his reply means to say that you need to level at least one gem from 69 to 70 in order for the achievement to trigger.

The game only checks for the correct number and level of gems present. So if you already have 3 Whisper of Atonement gems above level 70, then go to Urshi to level a gem, it doesn’t matter what you level, or even if you succeed, because the game will check to see what you have, and you will have 3 level 70+ gems and the game will give you whatever achievements it matches.

The gem you are levelling only matters if you have only 2 WoA above 70, and you need a third gem. Then, if that gem is level 69, getting it to 70 will trigger the achievement.

Edit: Just make sure that Urshi can see those gems. Keep them in the stash or in the character’s inventory.

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Alrighty. I still read the other post in the way that you actually have to level one gem to the exact level (70 in this case) but Im gonna believe you. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Whisper of atonement will also count towards the season journey objective as well as any legendary gem level 50 and above.