Will Diablo 4 / Immortal have a "beatable" campaign?

I don’t play end game any more, I didn’t even play the current Diablo 3 season. What I have been doing is I beat 10 games on Xbox series X and PS4 over the last 2 years.

The only way blizzard will get my $60 will 1, be on my Xbox (or phone for Immortal) and 2 these games must have an ending to the story.

I’m talking roll the credits congratulations you’ve beaten the game moment.

I am not interested in playing the same game for my entire life. I want to buy Diablo, beat it in a week or two, and move on to the next big AAA or AA game.

Your thoughts?

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Ofc it will
Most people play like you


Immortal has campaign and story mode which you can beat it but you need to know that Immortal is MMORPG on phone, they may extend or add new plot (aka new zones and bosses) over time thru patch updates.

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Just like D4. Im pretty shure their intention is to add up on the main story from time to time.

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You know the answer to this already. The answer is yes. However if you stop playing after you complete the story and drop the game you’ll miss out on the rest if the story that happens in content patches ond expansions.

But like I said, you knew this. You can finish Wow’s story but then keep adding. D1-3 had expansions and post launch content. Gone are the days where big budget games go gold and that’s it. I mean PC games have had ad on packs(now knowns expansions) for decades.

I’m pretty certain they want 2 expansions to tell the full story of D4 and have that assurance from above they will get at least that unless the game tanks beyond all belief.

Open world mmo like games have the potential to be expanded almost infinetly.

Disagree. I’am from that people which can play the same game very very long. And I want games wich still be interesting very long time. And paying 60$ for just a week is folly.

A game can both be completable in a week, and be playable for years. Having both seems fine.
Well, a week is a bit short imo, depending on how much you play. But 50-100 hours is a good length for an RPG imo.
$60 for that amount of gaming doesn’t seem bad either (compare with the cost of some other entertainment). Although one can wait a bit and pay less, for most games. And subscription services might change this quite a lot in the future as well (for better or worse).

Won’t that stop you from boasting how much time and effort you’ve put into the game?

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Diablo 3’s story was so rad the 1st time I played through it! The end of act 3 was my favorite.

The games I’ve beat recently that were full price or on game pass (which is monthly sub) don’t do much more than a $5 DLC that adds about 5 hours to the game.

Then there’s games like Outriders that have a full story campaign and the end game is kinda just to grind because you’re a major fan of the series.

Meh. I prefer a good story these days and there are plenty of stories from all kinds of people I want to have to play.

Diablo definitely is a good game to play through.

Eh, that still happens reasonably often.
But yeah, D4 will definitely have at least 1 expansion.

Players, in general, want some long term ay out of their games. I have o issues paying $70 for a game that has 10 hours of content and no replayability if I find the game to be good. I don’t need endgame stuffs in a game unless it’s like an MMO that is designed to be be played long term.

So just like the previous entries and most games today, you play the campaign, fi ish the story, then grind repetitive actions until new content drops and do it all over again. But that’s all optional.

Not with big budget games. Almost all AAA games offer some form.of endgame or MP for post campaign play. AA and indies are full of them. But not in the AAA sphere.

I still believe they will get two before a decision is made.

A few of the more recent big AAAs I could think of:
The Last of Us 2 - might get multiplayer, but DLC and expanded story seems very unlikely
God of War - nothing
Super Mario Odyssey - nothing

That series of Mario games is pretty traditionally single player. It’s not like there aren’t multiplayer Mario games though.

Yeah, but the point was that traditional AAA games with no, or close to no post-launch content, is still very much a thing.

Remembered another one;

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I would also mention new game(+) part of that added. Which TLoU2 and GoW have. Mario Odyssey’s worlds open up with tons more moons and quests to do. So all three wouldn’t pass the mustard.

Not sure how having a good amount of content, or New Game Plus, would go against them releasing a game and be done with it.
All these games released, and that was the end for them.

Seasons based games can go much further.