Will D2R see an increase player capacity beyond 8?

I am hoping the game will have an increased player capacity beyond the original 8,
perhaps 12 or 16.

Some other important things that were changed around 1.08 - 1.10 patch era was
experience gain range. Originally players would gain experience from any other
player kills in a zone. This made places like the Arcane Sanctuary and Bloody Foothills
a very popular aspect of Diablo 2. Also the bloody foothills mobs were made much more difficult in 1.10. Id like to see a return to mostly what existed in the release of LOD for that zone in particular in terms of mobs.

It felt really bad after the change to experience was implemented.

Arcane runs were primarily in normal, where bloody foothill runs were all 3 difficulties.

I would love to see same-zone exp gain brought back. This will help diffuse player concentrations in places like the Chaos Sanctuary and Throne Room. A last note on act 2, the respawn/entry point near Warriv in act 2 is very far from the center of town. A more central location would make sense there. For act 1 design, a possible bridge exit for all directions would be welcome for random map generation, instead of the single south-east facing bridge.

I wouldn’t count on it.

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Probably not. There is one screenshot that shows one of each character(7 characters) in game. It’s on the main D2: R page.


lol, it won’t happen, and it would be horrible to go beyond 8 max.

Imagine 16 characters rushing at each chest and elite pack to get the drops.

It shouldn’t be an issue, since more players = higher kill speed = more loot.
… if all players contributed instead of just following the bot.

what I really want are quests or areas, which you only can do with a good party. World events like UT and DCLONE are the opposite. It´s faster to do it alone.
If there´d be some monsters with really high life that doesnt change with player numbers (always 8 Players-Life) it would be a advantage for a good party. But i guess that´s too much to ask for :smiley:

It’s never going to happen.

Imagine 16 bone necro’s in one game grinding to a halt

Why do so many new people to D2 or people that haven’t played in years want to ruin the game with horrible add in’s?

A higher player capacity is something I hope there would at least be an option for, so players that want only 4 or 8 in the team can choose that at game creation, those of us who want 10 or 12 players in a game should have that option. It wont hurt the game for those wanting less, but I really think this would be a good change after all these years. Im not concerned about lag on modern systems. the whole “so many players rushing a chest” has always been an “issue” because this game doesnt bind items, thats like saying we should only have 1 player per game so that all chests can belong to “me” kind of attitude. and it adds to the game that players would want to stay with their teams to not miss those opportunities. the only thing i have a small VERY SMALL concern about is players who rush to a boss and the team is far behind but, again, thats always been an issue. the whole ‘player portraits wont fit, etc’ seems like a small obstacle since players only see
portraits for those who they are partied with, in addition, player info can be put
on a list that is more condensed than portraits. the portrait/name model
has never been really strong way of showing party information. Name/class model
lists may be just as good since there is not a lot of reasons to click allies except for some paladin and sorceress abilities like holy bolt or enchant, perhaps adding this an option as well. the game already scales experience and loot drops based on number of players, if anything, a higher player capacity would make it a more rewarding experience not less.

let me help the discussion - if we can get a player capacity pushed to 12, ill buy 2 copies of D2R and urge others to get the game.

8 is the perfect number. Almost all the suggested changes I see would be detrimental to the basics of what makes this a great game. Small QOL changes are fine but anything more than that will ruin what makes D2 a timeless classic.

Changing the max is not a good idea imo. Something I would like to see though is allowing people to play p3 games or so solo. Lots of us enjoy playing alone but the drop rate in 1 player game is so low compared to e.g. p4 games. This just lead to situations where people buy multiple keys, they have empty characters sitting in town while they play solo p4 game or something.

The experience change is a reversion to pre 1.10 patch rules on experience gain, so no it wouldnt be determental.

Raising the player cap as an option wouldnt affect people who dont want to play in games with more than 8 people because they would still have the choice to create a 8 player capped game just like you can make a 4 or 1 player capped game.

why have a player cap at all? why not 100? or 1,000? why not unlimited? When you start down this road it has no end.

Even 8 is too much. In 8 ppl games 2 things happen: either a party steamrolls everything without any problem, or a couple of chars do that and others are just leechers. The more players, the less teamwork there is.

I agree to a point but the game increases monster difficulty for up to 8 players so it “somewhat” equals out.

Problem is this doesnt help, most of times, as I, ofc, describe these situations with increased monster’s hp. There is a third variant too though: when all 8 chars are undergeared and the setup is wrong, like no convi pala, no necro, no boobarb (usually happens on hell diff, season start), they just hit the wall, die all the time and can’t progress at all - because of bloated monster’s hp.

From my experience 4-5 people is more than enough for best multiplayer experience. So D3 did it quite right. And D4 will do it correctly as well.

One of D3’s biggest weaknesses was its lower player capacity along with no PVP support at launch.

D2 Remastered developers can raise the player cap slightly and not affect those who want to play in lower player cap games, thats always been an option.

Typically, the only real people that want 10-12 chars in a game are botters. So they can run even more bots and level even more of them up even faster. In turn these bots are owned by D2 stores, Hence exasperating an already bad situation.

Already bad enough they shortened ladder seasons. No time to reach 99 now without botting, makes D2 stores richer, as the season is shorter, items in higher demand for less time, driving prices.

I really cannot understand how someone in charge cannot see how a lot of the changes are D2 store driven and hurt the game even more …

Keep it at 8 players. Get rid of enigma or teleporting altogether. Killing the D2 stores and basically killing botting. And the game will be back to it’s glory of PLAYING IT. People will have to form teams to get stuff done again. It will become a community game again and not a individual botting free for all.

Just my 3 cents worth.

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The concern for botters in 10 or 12 player games isnt real, because then you would have to think of why a larger shared stash was added. you cant look at anything that will help actual non-bot players as bad simply because it could enable bots, otherwise thats an argument for taking the whole game offline.