Why would you take away loot sharing? so mad wanna quit s24

Ah so your counter argument is, you don’t believe me and calls me a casual and a noob, while needing to have others in your back to defend yourself with.
Funny how you hide your own profile and dislike something cause we got other opinions than you.
Do enlighten me where you can speak on behalf of others?
So your ideal hardcore player is someone being mad at a game cause you can’t share etherals and you literally are shaking cause of it?

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Says the guy that by his own admission only multiboxes, getting the crutch of a party while still soloing.


Sorry to say but logic and reason won’t work with Bravata. Just look at their Season 22 - Only Jesseth set thread for an example of how their delusions about how well they know the game informs their decisions. They made a bold statement in that threads opening and I proved them wrong in the first response. Then as others piled in, they shifted the goalpost only to be proved utterly wrong by numerous posters.

Just a reminder, the OP is paragon 1225 in non-season and paragon 546 in the current season with rank 40-ish gems, so they REALLY know what they are talking about.

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Yeah I figured. But thanks for the heads up. Diablo 3 is not always ideal. But you should be able to air out your opinions without being condescending towards the ones replying to your posts. Guess it does not fall easy to someone.


I consider myself casual, but if the account you’re posting from is any indication on your playing habits, even my casual self blow you out of the water.


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They basically made this a single player game years ago. I’m surprised they were ever tradeable.

Players that don’t understand the game, you say? You mean like this…


what a waste of money, considering you can only ever play one account at a time, which splits all progress into fifths. you are not a smart player at all. a true gamer only uses one, because one is plenty enough.



are you unable to read?


As much as I don’t want to agree with Bravata, multiboxing is a thing, so you can most definitely play multiple accounts at the same time.

but its utterly and completely pointless and really cripples any progress you want to make.

Does it? boxing 4 whatever class gives you 4 times the loot, making gearing/farming a lot more efficient.

you obviously dont understand. you can only play one account at a time.

that is not efficent. and if you can play four accounts at one time, bots are involved, and hence, a bannable offense.

Have you never heard the term multiboxing? It quite literally means you use software/hardware so you can control multiple accounts simultaneously.

that sounds extremely unfair. like, really…

They didn’t “take trading away” as the items never existed before. The items are seasonal exclusive and are deleted when season ends.

So, nothing regarding to ethereals is or was “taken away” (yet).

Well, in Diablo I can’t really say it affects much, it’s very annoying in a game with prevalent PvP, meeting a guy that controls x amount of chars and you have the one. Then you are at a major disadvantage.

is it fair that i have the brain power of 4 people and i must be brought down to play 1 single character at a time against a lesser individual who can fully only control 1 themself? No. So i play multiple characters and my brain easily handles the load with lots to spare. I guess a good analogy would be to think of yourself as a single core processor, and to think of me as a AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core processor.

If it’s all the same to you I’ll think of you as a Texas TI-503 SV.