Why is Rathma helping Lilith and is Lilith going to be Kerrigan 3.0?

Doesn’t this add to the argument that he’s not Rathma? There’s speculation that the priest might be Malice. It’s still early in development so jumping to conclusions won’t really get you anywhere.

The cinematic alone sparked a lot of interest in Diablo’s lore. That’s a product of good writing in my opinion. Are you projecting some kind of insecurity?


Yawn, you guys are really boring. If you think so simply of the world, I can’t help you.

If your “logic” relies on logical fallacies (Look them up) and thinking that people’s opinions are this simple. I can’t help you.

But good attempt at trolling, you might make it some day.

Projecting again. Are you interested in discourse or just your feelings?

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From wikipedia page of “Foreshadowing” :
"Foreshadowing is often confused with other literary techniques. Some of these techniques include:

  • A “red herring”, is a hint that is designed to mislead the audience. However, foreshadowing only hints at a possible outcome within the confinement of a narrative, and purposely leads readers in the right direction."

I also watched a video about the topic and the “red herring” isn’t a lie. It raises a different issue that is irrelevant to the main subject. Can you can give me an example of an author/director/etc of a book/movie/game who plainly lied to make a better plot twist later?

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this is 100% NOT Rathma! this paleface guy is just a leader of the sect like Maghda, Leader of the Coven :slightly_smiling_face:


One of the german CMs confirmed that it actually is Rathma …

He could be mistaken, but unless there is a official correction of this statement, I would say that the guy in the cinematic is Rathma, the son of Lilith and Inarius.

Edit: Oopsie, this Bluepost was indeed nothing official. He edited his posting to make it clear that the real identity of this guy is not revealed yet:

I might have been a little hasty posting here! In fact, I was only resorting to my own nerd-knowledge and wasn’t aware at the moment of eagerness that my blue writing might suggest more. For now, the identity of this ominous gatekeeper remains a mystery~


Maybe lilith is one of the few possible allies of humanity left.

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It sounds like the pale guy is Malic.

Interesting. Most likely this guys is legit, since he is a Blizzard employee, so it’s Rathma, but then why would a dev at the Blizzcon lore panel say that the Triune brings her to Sanctuary? One of them is lying or both are saying the truth and Rathma, for some reason, became evil and teamed up with the Triune. Or maybe he didn’t turn evil, but infiltrated the Triune from the inside to fulfill some greater plan. This brings so many possibilities :hushed:


Having a demon turn good/sympathetic is the type of cartoon writing I’d expect from Diablo 3, not from the true Diablo games.

His given name was Linarian, Rathma was given to him by the dragon o.O

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Sorry, but youre wrong and havent read the sin war books that explained things in depth.

Demons were never always evil and he heaven was never always good.

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Probably the most obvious example:

The term lost it’s meaning, because of GoT and Dumb & Dumber.


Well in Diablo 2 Izual had turned bad, via corruption, so if an Angel can go dark, I don’t see why a demon can’t turn good. That said, even if Lilith turns out to be an ally for the player’s character, I expect it’ll only be for the intention of furthering her goals instead of for ours sake.

Didn’t know that this type of “plot twist” is a thing. I don’t watch GoT, but they could’ve let the big battle scene suggest that something bad is gonna happen to the army of dudes without some guy from the GoT team explaining that the scene shows their end. It dumbs the whole story telling to something like “Its a prank bro”.

Guess time will tell who the pale guy in D4 trailer is.

I got a trick, which served me well so far…
I have very low expectation of Blizzard’s “deep and meaningful story”
And they met them at every turn! :stuck_out_tongue:
This way I am never disappointed, and sometimes surprised! :smiley:


To give you a short explanation, GoT was a very popular tv show.

There have been some minor problems here and there with the story throughout the seasons, but nothing major to piss most people in the fandom.
However, season 7 was filled with nonsensical and impossible situations. Same goes for season 8.
In season 8 (the final season), the showmakers destroyed pretty much every character in the show (by making them say things they woulld never say, do things they would never do, turn proactive characters into passive statues and so on… in other words, make them totally inconsistent), and on top of that there were plenty of nonsensical and illogical situations.
It was terrible not only, because it ruins any and all immersion, and no amount of suspension of disbelief could have fixed how terrible everything was. One would have to suspend his entire brain…

One of the most ridiculous things was, that after the episodes there would be a small segment, in which the showmakers would discuss the events of each episode and try to pull off some mental gymnastics in an attempt to explain how things “make sense” even though they didn’t.
In the particular episode from where the scene with the tribe that died had a trrible lighting and for the most part I couldn’t see anything. At least the showmakers clarified what happened (and later blamed people for having bad monitors or something, which was pathetic).
In the following episodes, it turned out that hallf of said tribe had survived somehow (despite the fact, that the showmakers said they are dead).

The showmakers were ridiculed so much on the internet, that they didn’t release a small segment explaining the final episode :stuck_out_tongue:

Another example I can think of devs lying was the identity of the Arkham Knight character in the Batman: Arkham Knight video game. People guessed correctly, yet the devs were saying “Noooo, it’s not him”… and it turned out to be exactly who the people guessed.

So I would say, that StrikerJolt could be correct, despite what the devs might have said. I also thought this must be Rathma, given his power levels in comparison to his victims, as well as how tall he was.

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So GoT ending is an example of that “lying technique” not working very well. The Batman example is kinda different cause it shows the devs trying to cover up the fact that the community easily predicted their plot.

Of course StrikerJolt could be correct. He still has to take a chill pill and reconsider the sarcastic and disrespectful attitude. I said what I know based on D4 lore panel. I don’t say it’s the absolute truth.

The moment you said “Wahmen” you lost any credibility you had


And I said what’s been pre written before. Rathma looks exactly like that, with even the pinky, the skin, the age, the height, everything.

Besides - I don’t like wasting my time with people who don’t even know the basics of story telling. Why would I? It’s a waste of energy, by the way, foreshadowing isn’t lying…

It’s when you give teases about the future about one’s character.

Bringing her back through Rathma makes no sense. But if you think destroying a pre-established character’s identity and write something completely new that goes against one’s character is some how acceptable writing.

I can’t help you. Read a book some time. Read bad ones and good ones and then write comparisons.