Why is everyone trying to change the game?

thats it. 90% newbish boys, 5% confused Diablo 2 players and 5% trash cans

Separate realms. Strict remaster preserves D2/D2:LoD. An second modern realm with more optional changes.

Strict remaster realms preserves traditions. The modern realm adds tweaks.

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They want like in D3 a weapon that can make 3 trilion dmg and beat the game in one day

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And who should realize that for the few confused souls? Blizzard?

Maybe that’s is the issue, I think that the problem Blizzard got both on D2 and WC3R is that in the case of WC3R they promised a lot, in D2R they were more direct, but blizz spokes people and some devs left a lot of things in the air.

Wich is something that i understand, they don’t want to close themselfs posibilities, but som vague pharases can have many meanings, Like if this is a remaster o remake, Some people thinks is a remake cuz it got a lot of new changes over the Og code, and a loot of under the hood changes, While remakes usually just make the old game plays a 1080p with high res sprites, kinda what SCR did

Honestly it’s because D3 is an absolute tire fire of a game, and D4 ain’t coming out anytime remotely soon. People are looking for a modded version of D2 to keep things fresh and bridge the gap till D4.

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Never let the facts get in the way…

A survey what comes from the home of d3 noobs aka reddit. Ok.


You 1%'ers say change, us 99%'ers say improve.

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Well… Probably, we should go to d3 forums section and start asking d2 features there? Lets bring ffa loot and free hostility to d3!

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There is a reason why D3 changed the loot system from FFA to personal, and there is a reason why the original creator of D2 wanted to change his D2 game to personal as well.

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If it was made optional, why not? Let players choose.

Popeyes selling their new chicken sandwich did not mean that you can not order their spicy fried chicken.


If it is optional, it is not free.

Yes. And that reason is here again: personal loot squad.

99% have played Diablo 2 is not a statement.
Everyone has played it, the question is whether you like it, the question is whether what they say is even true.
The question is how long have you been playing Diablo 2 and are you part of the community today?
We can give a bunch to someone who played Diablo 2 for 2 months and played Diablo 3 for 3 years. Their opinion is not relevant for D2R.
~ 4500 people are also not representative, especially not because most of the forum kiddies run into the forum when they have something negative to say and despite everything they are outnumbered. Even if they were in the majority, it would not be representative - but not even that they are.
Where does the data come from?

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I actually refer to this as >4,000 respondents who self-identified as D2 players.

This poll has sampling bias; however, it does refute that there are only a few confused D2 players who want optional personal loot. Only 39% voted to keep D2R FFA only.

Yep. To make more sells. Make games for kids or bring a system where everybody gets medal for breathing air. Perfect way to earn money. We have tons of game with these system. None of them are so big iconic game like d2.


the game should have not been edited, to me the game seems like it was changed to accommodate people who struggle at games like diablo 2, especially in the pvp department.

same thing with diablo 3, edited from original to accommodate people who cant play games.


The whole point of business is to sell. You really think they would of changed the loot system if they didn’t think it would sell more. This means the majority wants this system, so why wouldn’t they add the option for this in D2R if it makes the game more successful by sales. :joy:

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thats part of millenials mindset, change, nerf, de-complex everything thats not part of their expectation, everything must be presented on a silver plate to be comfortable… you cant change that and i really hope this game stay what it promised to be…