Why does D3Planner have Trag'Oul @ 10x it's damage modifier?

Forgive my ignorance if I’m missing something completely obvious, haven’t played Necro in many seasons but you take a look in the formula and it’s 62,500% set damage…

I notice there’s no modifier for Iron rose in the formula, is this why? But Iron Rose is 500% or are they counting it as 2x 500% because it casts from Sims?

It’s actually pretty balanced with Bone Spear with that math, I just like to know where it’s from? If it’s a mistake then Masquerade Bone Spear destroys Trag’Oul Blood Nova with the Open cube this season.

That looks like a mistake. No idea about Necromancer’s Set bonus but the multiplier looks like 626x while it supposed to be 63.5x going from the Set multiplier shown in the simulator. I think someone messed the coding and simulator sees the 100% increase in healing as another damage multiplier as well. Information of this Set is even outdated at the moment, I think Trag’Oul supposed to be at 10000% damage multiplier.

Iron Rose bonus stacks 10 times, so I guess that’s intended. Anything that is dealt by Simulacrums or clones (ie. Rabid Strike of Monks), usually reflected on DPS portion of the output.

it depends how you setup and how you utilize bloodtide. BS should dominate on RG but not necessarily during progression when solo. Obviously with zB pixel in groups, BS wont make TK.

400*10 = 41x multiplier on bloodtide alone. This overcomes whatever shortcomings from shadowhook 4.3x. Downside for trag is relying in toughness components earlier on hence may lose 1x weapon slot to rorg. When paragon is high enough, blood tide + tragoul fang + shadowhook/funerary pick should out perform masquerade during progression when bloodtide is at maximum buff.


Trag’Ouls was changed from 10,000% > 6,250% last patch 2.7.7 so that’s correct, but when you look at it in the Planner it’s 62,500% so yeah guess that’s a mistake? Then again it really could be the correct number after Iron Rose is considered.

The Iron rose proc goes off twice as fast as you could cast it manually so 500% x 2 would be a 10x that’s not accounted for?

Yeah I figured that not only makes sense mathematically but how it plays out, like double essence cost is a lot for spears , even if you get a proper grouping and a spear passes like 40+ enemies from the Poison rune to equal that 10x enemies buff for Blood Nova, that Nova is being cast way faster than any manual cast could ever do and for free.

Plus apparently the Sims do proc area damage too so yeah Nova just going to be better overall in that regard but you could get some sweet clear screening with Bone spear sounds like too.

They should fix that display though even if ultimately it would lead to the same number?

Not really… 500% increase translates into 6x multiplier; 100% base and 500% increase on top resulting 600%. Anything that is done by Simulacrums usually reflected to DPS portion of the statistics.

Right right disregarding the Sims I see the part in the formula for that I’m saying the necro is still proccing the Nova twice, like if you manually cast nova it’s not even close to that speed, maybe that’s where the rest is coming from?

Oh well then that would be 6x2 over…okay nevermind, I see speed 2.0 is already accounted for in the formula so this just needs to be corrected then. So I guess at worst this is 4x lower than it should be.

6250 x 6 instead of 6250 x 10