Why do we have Nek the Brawler in SSF mode?

Am I missing a memo here? Seriously, can you even go into Brawl as 2-person in “Solo” self found mode? If that’s one hell of a thing to exist, I’d be surprised.

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“Why are you punching yourself? Why are you punching yourself?” Nek says.


Do people even brawl in the game?

I suspect a slight oversight on Blizzards part forgetting to remove Nek from SSF mode… Probably because it’s so (un)popular. Either that or they figured no one would notice. Not to mention brawling being a contest to see who gets the first hit.

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Removing it from SSF is propably more effort than it’s worth.


Probably not worth the effort. It is not in the way or something. Just sitting there, for nothing. Lol.

They tried to move him, but he was too macho and strong…

…so he stays where he is. No one messes with Nek.


They should change him and make it so he whines about the lack of pvp. He can even say all the same nonsense the pvp dweebs used to post here, and continue to post on the D4 board talking about how great and necessary pvp is.

Then when you walk by and ignore him he can get all toxic and rage-y just like the real life people do!

It would be hilarious

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Nek should put you in a que for a pvp match with another ssf player, but the map is fields/ sands/weeping and full of Visions monsters…:smirk:

Haven’t really seen anyone PvP so he doesn’t really have a purpose. I’d like Nek to have a different role for the game.
Maybe, accumulate points (another button on Urshi for “Spend Later”) for completed GRifts to spend on upgrading gems later? Also faster? Upgrade Gem x1,x5,x10?
Just throwing ideas. I know this game is unlikely to receive anymore enhancements, but I can still dream. :disappointed:

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Why is he in the game at all?


should put a test dummy in there for dps/mechanic testings

You missed the memo about posting really, really stupid questions.

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laughs in full thorns