Why Azurewrath in PoJ builds

I see folks using it but why Azurewrath versus any other equip-able 1h weapon, such as Echoing Fury? Is the knock up in the air that important?

Maybe for the possible Cold skill % damage as Tempest Rush > Flurry is considered the “best” of the runes?

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It would mean one could just craft Utar’s Roar:

The Holy dengen. per sec on Azurewrath is nice but isn’t going to be a major portion of one’s damage. Its only 0.10 attack speed faster than Utar. Azurewrath basically is only slightly better Utar with Holy degen. and knock up chance.

Utar’s and Azurewrath are basically interchangeable. Rimeheart also rolls with Cold %. Sunkeeper is a good alternative since it can roll up to 30% Elite damage. Since Utar’s needs to be crafted, you will NEVER get a drop of a good ancient during gameplay, like Azurewrath or Rimeheart. In order to get an ancient Utar’s you need to craft it over and over unless you get lucky quickly.

Echoing Fury loses some effectiveness in higher GR’s, because its affix is dependent on getting kills so you’ll lose Frenzy Stacks while fighting RG. Works great in speed content though.

There is some flexibility with the second weapon spot, I tried several options like Sever & Monster Hunter to some success. I really enjoyed a glass cannon variation where I swapped Zodiac for Stone of Jordan while rolling Lightning DMG on gear. This allowed the fixed WKL Lightning roll to actually boost DPS, and could be used with Odyn Sun to get something like 80% increased elemental damage :+1:. Was a lot of fun but survivability was definitely an issue.

In the end, all my testing still wound up landing on Azurewrath as the best option.

I forgot about SunKeeper… will try that out soon!