Why arent there a lot of really good players anymore? Did they leave to poe?

With how much Ive been lagging doing greater rifts on soft-core…Damn. Im impressed people can even clear a 120. Also its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (…) fun to be a Wizard with the gut damn shocking aspect buff falling off.

I got to lvl 70 and T15 without dying i just cba with the fact that theres lagg or dc’s or worse with my acc to play HC. Not gone to POE. Im a casual gamer with too many games to play. Would love to spend more time in D3 i just have many projects atm. Projects being the key word. Gaming aside.


i like how people have trained themselves to believe there’s any actual server lag and it’s not just their terrible connection or pc.

Listen closely, there is absolutely no server lag at all except when running WW rend barb at ridiculous and i mean RIDICULOUS high rift density. No other server lag has ever been proven and they literally fixed WW rend almost completely now so there is none. Stop making excuses. Git gud.

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I was going to lay into you a bit until you redeemed yourself at said

For one there is still server lag with ww and I experience it everytime I push The threshold has been raised pretty high so 95% of the players wont ever see it. Outside of ww this is proabably true for solo play but for groups there is tons of server lag because metas pull packs like ww solos on the regular. It does not matter if you have an area dmage trash killer or not. The game can not handle 4 players hitting that many mobs at once. TBH we keep pulling up until we feel the lag then stop and wait for some stuff to die and continue.

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With your 600 Paragon?


i have 7 accounts i love blizzard they are the best and i support them as much as possible, obviously you do as well. i only push on 4 but i still get my season rewards on all because i dont slack. That’s definitely not my pg lvl btw

There aren’t enough hands on earth to give the facepalm that deserves.


PoE is no different. In fact, I’d say PoE is worse in that even with maxed resistances you can still be instagibbed, and that’s during the campaign, before you even get to maps. D3’s primary HC worry is disconnects and desyncs. In that regard we have it easy relative to what has to be accounted for in PoE.

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“No server lag in D3…” Hahahahahahahahahahahaha


Just wow! Jump on a Sader and drop some fissures into a large pack and come back and tell me that the game has no lag :slight_smile:

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The lag that a firebats WD trash-clearer used to cause was one of the reasons they were dropped in favour of wizards.

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Stop feeding the troll, people :slight_smile:

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Pictures tell a better story. If you live in one of the countries in the below image you will probably experience next to no lag unless you have hundreds of enemies at once and more than 120% area damage on your character.

Other countries are significantly less though Dunedin in NZ recently recorded 60Mbps.
Australia and MANY other countries do not have that luxury.

Basing any lag statements on one’s own lack of lag is not really a good thing to do or representative except of yourself and that’s as nice as I can say it.
I have a high powered computer with an exceptional connection, exceptional RAM count and GPU and when I use a WW Barb with 140%AD my GPU numbers clearly indicate the GPU is waiting for the screen update from the server even though it’s marginal and the connection itself is uninterrupted.

EDIT: Another good test for lag is to run a Necromancer with Naji’s ring, brigg’s wrath, minions and a Golem and more than 120% AD so you have 10x Skeletal mages, and perpetual minions. Multiple group with brigg’s and have speed as high as you can go with Steuart’s Greaves, Lost Time, cold rune on bone armor, a cold primary and Warzechian armbands. Even with a 6GB+ high-end GPU, the screen redraws when you hit a speed pylon at maximum speed cannot keep up at the server end.

Personally I prefer to think of it as latency.

Why would anyone need that many accounts? What happened when you had 6 accounts that you said to yourself “I need another account!”

That is really the only question I have.

“This game is far better than poe”

still rolling on floor laughing


The challenge of the week should be HC mode.

That ‘lag’ is due to AREA DAMAGE not WW or Rend. Even if you HARD CAST Rend it still won’t do that. Also, I NEVER saw nor HEARD of that in a ‘solo’ game, but in a 'public game, yes. So that is 3-4 players on top of at LEAST ONE PLAYER having some AREA DAMAGE on his character on top of a screen full of mobs or at least one area with mons stacked and they are affected with AREA DAMAGE.

That’s why I take away those points in my paragon levels ON ALL BUILDS when I go into a public game. So if it does lag, it’s either server related or some tool has AREA DAMAGE on their character. Honestly, that needs to be AUTO TURNED OFF in public games, just like ‘growl’ was in WoW during dungeons.

One of the many ‘minor’ tweaks that Blizz can do to this aging game to make it relevant even when D4 is alive and kicking.

I bought 20 accounts during a sale to gift to my WoW guild on progression night, 6 people already owned it so i bought them wow tokens instead.

My account got silenced so i switched over to this one for now. People get really jealous when they cant handle how good others are at the game. They thought the ceiling was a certain height but when you show them it’s much higher they freak out mad.

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Last season I was one shot on my Barb doing a GR106 by Raiziel without my Nerves of Steel going off at all. I will not touch HC again.

I have had numerous deaths this season in SC without my cheat death not going off on my Barb, DH and Necromancer. It isn’t just me either, people I play with have experienced the same exact thing.

He the RG with the one hit kill darts? If so, he just hit you so hard it cause a loophole in the system, he’s a beast like that :wink: