Why are you set on #nochanges? Vicarious Visions will die

The last time I logged on in 2012 there were less than 20,000 players on battle.net at 7PM and there were maybe 20 open games. It was absolutely dead. In 2004 there were ten times that number of players and games.

You need more than a few thousand die-hard players spending $40 to fund a development company of over 200 employees, like Vicarious Visions. If Diablo 2: Resurrected doesn’t do everything it can to get the Diablo 3 crowd over to it, they won’t raise enough money to pay the bills. Activision Blizzard will scrap the game studio and let all those employees go. Do you really want to do that to the people who are giving you one last opportunity to re-play one of the greatest games ever made in high-definition?

Many of the posts I’ve seen on forum threads are from people saying they won’t buy the game if they don’t get personal loot. This is a valid concern. Vicarious Visions won’t see all the potential income in this game if they release it with #nochanges. They could easily increase their income by adding an optional personal loot mode. It’s not like it would affect you if it’s optional. Why are you choosing to fight and die on this hill?

Please keep in mind here, I’m doing everything I can to ensure that this is a successful release, not because I want any changes implemented. I’ve already done my part by pre-ordering the game for 8 of my friends.


Vicarious Visions is now part of Blizzard, they aren’t going to die.

You do realize that any proceeds that come from D2:R are insignificant next to the (dwindling) mountain of cashflow that comes from WoW, right?


Then d2 is reviving, because there are a lot more games up rn, even if you dont count bot runs.

I suggest that you try d2 again before sharing your experience here, 9 yesrs is a lot of time and maybe your memory isnt good enough to give valid arguments.


Have you not seen what’s happening to WoW? People are leaving in droves. It’s not the mountain of cash you think it is anymore.


D2:R is not going to be the game to ‘save’ Blizzard, I don’t care how many changes they do to please the masses.


Can you give me some hard numbers? Are we talking 10,000 players or 100,000 players? Because even 100,000 players giving $40 each is only a total of $4M. That won’t fund 200 employees salary for more than 3 months.

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They already did those numbers before spending a single coin in this remaster, i wont give any because i have no clue about it, as you also dont have, that is a work that belongs to their market study department.

Blizzard itself is on a downward spiral and has been for a long time.
VV can, and probably should, break off and do something else.

Without mtx or a sub, d2r isn’t gonna net that much in the long run and I’m willing to bet d4 will also have the same issue unless they do a sub/mtx for that. Their primary cash cow is losing subs, that should be their primary concern.

The quick boost from d2r and d4 (whenever that drops) will prob just be enough to keep the other projects going until they find another cow to milk.

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Blizzard wont be the first company to dissapear nor the last one. That is their fate if they keep releasing low quality products and downgrading the quality of those they update.


This ^

14 more characters

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You literally just said:

Are you lying?

I literally just spent over 60 hours playing D2 during the Early Access Beta and the Open Beta this past two weeks. Pretty sure I remember exactly what the game is like.

I killed Duriel 8 times in various multiplayer games and only got 1 piece of loot from him. I totally understand where the personal loot crowd is coming from.

In case you’re not aware, they CAN’T. They are now owned by Activision Blizzard. It’s not like all those employees are going to spontaneously form another when it goes down with the sinking ship that is Activision Blizzard.

So what do you define as lowering the quality? Is adding optional loot modes “lowering the quality”? Because we have drastically different opinions if that’s the case.

I absolutely guarantee that adding OPTIONAL loot modes will bring in a greater player-base and won’t impact people who want traditional FFA at all. What is your counter-argument?


I’m aware they’re owned by blizzivision and it’s a shame. They’ll be going down with that ship. Tough cookies; drop roles and remake the party or find new jobs cause, based on what I and feroz are saying, blizz isn’t releasing quality anymore.

You’re focused on the ploot argument, which neither of us touched on (but I’ll bite in a second). Both of us are focused on the bigger picture which is that with the drastic drop in quality of their games and the fanbase obviously irritated with it, blizzivision needs a drastic turn around (which I’m pessimistic about).

Now onto your

There’s enough threads about this subject that it’s a waste of time arguing about it.

I have my own opinions on this ploot garbage, and you have yours. And you’ve obviously already made up your mind with your “guarantee” apparently so what’s the point in discussing it?

You think one way and don’t want to actually discuss other options as you’re obviously are extremely biased towards it. You already said you “guarantee adding optional loot modes will bring more players…won’t impact FFA at all”, how naive.

Do you just want the fight? Seriously.

I’d argue no. You’d argue yes. Next thread?

Edit: add

You have a company that has been giving the finger to its core player base for years and all these “minor adds” to d2r is more of that, just from other players too. Eventually, enough is enough and people stop buying, look at WoW. Look at d3.


What I want is a civil discussion from people who are arguing against it. How is adding optional alternative loot modes going to impact you if you don’t use it?

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Forget it. Done wasting my thumbs and time lol

There’s plenty of other threads on this, which you’ve already made up your mind and want to fight so glhf o7


I’m 100% ok with any changes they want to make so long as balance is maintained whether the changes are toggled on or off.

I’m also ok with decent QOL changes like increased bag space, charm slots and updated skills that are so useless that people only spend points in them to get the the next skill in the line.

I don’t understand why anyone would care about a change that they can simply toggle off or are a mild convenience… and why would they want to keep pointless skills pointless?


This is typical of literally every other thread I’ve seen by people who are fighting against alternative loot modes. I’ve not seen a single coherent argument against it, just cop-outs saying “Go play D3”.

If you have no arguments against it, why are you unwilling to change your mind on it?

I just want to know WHY you all are so dead set against it!


From what I understand, they work on D2R to get used to the tools so they can start working on D4 afterwards, VV is not going anywhere, they are the new Blizzard North.

Pleasing the D3 crowd with Diablo 2 is not the best of ideas, first of all this shows a lack of respect for the game and second this could destroy the game integrity and why it was a good game in the first place.

not a fan of personal loot, but I am a fan of:

  • End game maps
  • Modernized game creation interface
  • In-game Trading Platform
  • Melee Splash (or something to help Melees)
  • Corruption
  • Full inventory Merc
  • Re-worked items : nerf Grief, buff uniques
  • Re-balanced skills: buff underpowered skills, remove irrelevant ones, merge some skills

The Tony hawk remaster says you are wrong.

You aren’t getting changes because it’s a remaster. There was very little change between the Tony Hawk remaster and the original 1+2.

This is VV’s bread and butter. Drop the “change this” bologna and realize you are getting what the original fan base has asked for. Not what you want.

Sorry, not sorry. See you on the 23rd with no changes! :slight_smile:


We have an argument. It’s called, “maybe this game isn’t for you?”

Let’s add Ferguson already posted on Twitter that there will be zero change pre-launch. And it has ZERO to do with popular vote.

If that isn’t enough for you, I’m sorry. But you’re beating a dead horse.