Why are Crusaders still have just one class ring?

First of all - i am a big fan of LoD builds. So i’m not using any set rings. From that point the problem of class-specific rings for Crusaders looks more real. We have only Eternal Union that makes no sence in any build now. I hope this ring will be upgraded in new patch for something viable.
For suggestion i will show you how many class-specific rings have each class in the game:
Crus - 1
Monk - 1
DH - 1
Barb - 2
Wiz - 3
WD - 3
Necr - 4 (!)
From all this list only Crusader’s ring do nothing! Even single DH’s ring do 60 Damage Reduce, also Monk’s ring takes more spirit gain.
Listen, we are mostly the meele-class, and we need some good class-specific ring for damage or DR. Then look for this masterpiece - Krysbins Sentence …that’s why nectromancers are so OP. I want that ring adopted for Crusaders ))

So what i propose: Crusaders need some ring where our damage output rise when we use some generic skill (Punish maybe). Or a ring with good DR like 60-80% after Iron Skin ends. Or something like that. Also we can Theory-craft the new ring. This is not a problem. The problem is - we still don’t have this ring even in a project.

For those who say - you can use Unity or CoE, one for DR, second for DMG. I say - i don’t like Unity at all, because i don’t use follovers. And CoE is like mandatory ring for pushing. But other classes have better rings than CoE. And Crusaders have only CoE for good damage. New SoJ is like viable only for Wizards (still garbage for other classes).


As far as defensive rings are concerned, Justice lantern is a solid option for crusaders. Everyone can use it but since a Crusader will most likely use a shield, it’s benefit is far greater than in any other class. +Block chance % on the shield, also helps. That, in conjunction with the passive that doesn’t allow you to dodge but increases your block chance will grant you a decent toughness boost. There is also a skill called provoke, if i am not mistaken, that increases your block chance even more. Always prefer to wear it instead of cubing it cause it rolls with % block chance as a primary stat. It’s a bit hard to find a perfect one, but not impossible. Kind of underwhelming compared to elusive ring or band of might to be honest but, oh well, it’s what we have at the moment.


Imo, Not really. In theory it would probably be good for Tal-Rasha, however considering that you’re mostly relying on one skill to deal damage anyway, it’s not exactly what I would call viable.

Now if SoJ legendary effect was instead:

Along with a boost to it’s elite damage modifier; then I would say it would have a universal benefit to about all classes.

That said, a buff to Justice Lantern and Eternal Union (phalanx build please) would be appreciated.

Justice Lantern has multiple problems – it’s dependent on a stat that cannot be rerolled (block chance), using a specific passive that is otherwise worthless, and a specific shield enchant (increased block chance) before it’s even worth a damn. No, investing that much into something should result in FAR higher DR than the measly ~35-40% Justice Lantern offers. If I’m investing that much into the power of a DR ring, I expect something closer to the 75-80% offered by Band of Might. That, OR it becomes a combination of offense and defense, providing a damage boost equal to the DR boost.

[Justice Lantern] (v1)
While a shield is equipped, gain 30% damage reduction. This amount is increased by [45-55]% of your block chance.

[Justice Lantern] (v2)
While a shield is equipped, gain increased damage and damage reduction equal to [45-55]% of your block chance.

As for Eternal Union, well, Phalanx is torn between two worlds – the cooldown world and the spender world. The only item really effective for both is the shield, and that’s just a 100% boost – respectable, but not great. The helm is trying to do both and fails, and the ring is only effective for the cooldown versions and its value is virtually nil at that. So to do it right, combine the two worlds into one.

[Warhelm of Kassar]
Phalanx wrath cost is reduced by 50% and its damage is increased by [150-200]%.

[Unrelenting Phalanx]
Phalanx is cast twice and deals 100% increased damage, and enemies hit by Phalanx take [35-50]% additional damage from all sources for 4 seconds.

[Eternal Union]
While Phalanx is on your bar, automatically gain Bowmen and Bodyguards, granting you 10% increased damage and 5% damage reduction for each one you have.
(added perk – Baleful Remnant is no longer a bad joke)


In other news, Wiz & Barb get 80% DR from a ring, just by equipping a skill(or a choice of skill in Barb case) that is also useful…

We know shield block is rubbish in D3, due to the low ball damage it mitigates, For justice lantern, even if you max out block (100%), which requires a lot of sacrifice, you get a miserable 55% DR.

On non-block required builds, which are most Cruz builds, you will be lucky to get 20% DR from justice lantern.

The leg bonus should read, you get 55% DR if you equip a shield. (end of).

What do you mean solid?

It requires good item rolls, +block chance skills and passives to provide max 55% DR, it’s honestly pathetic as far as a defensive item is concerned.


Well, the quantity of class rings isn’t the problem. You’re only going to equip your best option anyway. Your other ring is going to be an offensive option or Compass Rose.

The problem is the quality of that choice. Justice lantern needs to be brought in line with the other class defensive choices.

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It’s the only thing that fits the description of a defensive ring for crusader. Don’t complain to me. I didn’t design the items of d3.

would put even more focus on % block on v1 like 80-120%… would it become a problem if a zdps crusader is immortal like land of dead necro?

I didn’t complain to you. I merely pointed out that particular part is not true and explained why.

Yeah it’s not good but it’s the only thing we have. Provoke and the passive are going to make the ring acceptable but I agree that is too much investment for a dr that otherwise is obtained just by one slot among the other classes.

I fully agree, now crusader is so soft that I am pretty sure I earn the season platinum membership from Diablo Coffin Club already.

If they refuse to give us that DR, at least give us Coffin Club Platinum members a new Coffin Dance portrait frame.

It’s gonna look like this, innit?

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This looks tasty.

I’m so glad to see folks who understand the problem. Especially nice when they bring new constructive ideas. Thank you all.

Looks a bit OP to be frank.

Not so OP like almost any item for necro.

As someone who has very few usable primals, one of them being Justice Lantern, I don’t want them to change it. :crazy_face:

But as someone that wants Sader to be improved and get ring options on par with other classes, I’m definitely all for it!

Few days ago i saw one guy with ancient JL with awesome rolls. He only changed str to AD, so finally it is like: AD+CDR+RCR+16%+socket+str trough augmet. I had never saw in my loot even something comparable or no ancient with such rolls.

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I’d prefer if the affix was changed to:

“Gain damage reduction equal to your block chance.”

55% of block chance as DR is really low these days. I’d prefer the ability to gain more than the 80% that Barbs and Wiz can get if I put in the work to spec for it.


You can reach 100% block chance, fyi (Invoker especially). Permanent (or near-permanent) total damage immunity is a no-go, regardless of anything else.

75-80% DR would be fine…so long as it has a decent amount of DR not connected to block chance. Maybe as high as 90% for Invoker (if the set mechanics don’t get dramatically overhauled).

Also, though it might not seem like it at first glance, at those DR levels, blocking an attack actually has a notable impact on incoming damage, worth, on average, another 10-15% DR.