Which gem is better if I take a lot of melee damage?

If you find that you’re mainly dying or hurting from the yellow/blues (elites) then may I suggest Bane of the Powerful. It reduces, and increases your damage to, elites - sure, you may have to kill a pack to get the full benefits, but a +15% to damage and reduction can easily sway things in your favor. At some point, you kill one pack and the seconds counter will be so long that it’ll cover the whole map/event, refreshing/extending every time you get another.

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Looking at your profile it seem that u are using pain enchancer, i would recommend that u swap out pain enchancer for taeguk.
U could also make 2 pieces of crimson combined with RoRG which would also increase your toughness.

U seem to be missing mantle of channeling which does add in some toughness aswell. So i would spam kadala for shoulders.
If u playing solo unity on both u and follower would also be an option.

Also dex will give u toughness so starting to augment your gears would increase your toughness by alot.

Did you try Molten/Mutilation/Esoteric?

Did you find a better gem than the others for you?

Deffinetly use taeguk and mantle of chaneling in cube. You could consider gogok for dodge chance also. And drop cripleing wave and use epihany desert shroud.

You could look at:

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I forgot about the monks passive that gives me an additional 35% dodge chance. That seems to help a lot.