Which character should I select?

???which one good for a new player???

Try them all and pick your favorite.


It’s as simple as this.

The best one will be the one you personally like the most.

This isn’t like other arpg’s where decisions matter. Play what you like, and switch if you want to try something else.

There are classes that are easier to play than others. Necromancers are powerful, but squishy, so if you get frustrated when you die, I would steer clear until you get a feel for the game. Barbarian, Crusader and Monk have builds that are pretty easy to play and get used to the game. Personally, I started with Monk on launch and it’s still one of my favorites. Demon Hunters, Wizards and Witch Doctors take a little more skill to play. Personally Demon Hunter is my favorite class, but it took a while to get that way until I understood the mechanics and was able to do it right. This season, I’m playing a Necro for the first time in a season start and having fun, even though I haven’t had enough time to play. Even living in California with all this coronavirus stuff, I still have to work, but that’s a longer story for another time.