Which BK Sword is best?

I got 4 BK Warrior Blood Swords, contemplating on which to keep/use and which to salvage. These are:

#1 Ancient - already rerolled. For the longest time, was in used for many seasons ago.
1510-1890 Damage
+10%Damage (rerolled from vit)
+8% CDR
+980 STR

After playing Barb this season I found these 3 pcs and would ask you folks for your better judgment on which to use/keep/salvage.

#2 Primal - no roll
1560-1940 Damage
+1215 LPFS

#3 Ancient - no roll
1500-1880 Damage
+8% Damage
+995 STR
+890 VIT

#4 Ancient - no roll
1558-1892 Damage
+860 STR
+10% CDR
+21870 LPH

Good sword for speed-farming T16, bounties, and low GRs.


Good for speed-farming, just like the first.

Pretty good. Re-roll LPH to AD and you’ve got a good sword. Just keep in mind that the BK set isn’t really used for pushing. For pushes, you’ll want to use the IB set.

For future questions/concerns related to Zodiac Rend, ask in the guide thread.

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I’d take #4, because I like those pretty 10% dmg/10% cdr rolls :smiley:

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I also mirror Free and Poconut’s responses. Roll LPH to AD and its solid.

Thank you for your helpful opinions! #2 and #3 are salvaged

re: IB set.
Suck I could not get good ones with barb.
And I find IBs mostly when I play Monk!!! :angry: