Where is the Diablo Netflix series?

Got abandoned? It had been 3 years since their last announcement about it. I think it was around 2018?

I was completely forgot about the diablo netflix series until someone told me yesterday that Riot made their own League of Legends video game series in Netflix, and it got insane positive reviews, which surprised me so much.

Blizzard should step up their game now as Riot (backed up Tencent) and GGG (backed up by Tencent) is expanding their influence aggressively and actually delivering it.

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IMO, there are 3 solutions:

a) The project was abandoned

b) The project is late due to the Covid

c) The project is fine and we’ll be able to see it when D4 will be ready.


They can step up their game all they want. but I doubt services like Netflix are overly exited to get in bed with them with the current storms surrounding Blizzard.


I am guessing it was on hold because of Covid and now may be abandoned since these allegations came out.

Start @ 6:43

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Yes, it is not that bad, but the story muddled up too much by the end.

It was cancelled for anyone who did not already post it.

Last I read was it was cancelled over a disagreement regarding profit sharing - that is, one or the other, or both, wanted a larger amount of money and the other was not willing to acquiesce.

Corporations are not known for abeyance.

If I’m honest, I have an incredibly hard time imagining Diablo as a series.
The way today’s movies and series are mostly made, they’re not particularly compelling like X-Files was in its time, especially in the early days of seasons 1-4.
And then on top of that such a difficult genre as horror with hell and heaven.
To implement this sensibly would require an extremely authentic setting and 1A actors who would have to bring this across absolutely convincingly and not be adolescents.
The story should not revolve around interpersonal relationships or petty problems.
So the story would have to be very exciting in a way, but also remain very big on the other side. So like maybe Lord of the Rings, but absolutely believable, not like a fairy tale film.

To manage that and, above all, to maintain quality in the long term, that’s probably extremely borderline.

I’d give Starcraft a much better chance as a series. The scifi basically offers an easier basis for such a project, although you can also break a lot.

Well, I wouldn’t refuse to look at a Diablo series. This subgenre is a very difficult place. But surprise me.


As an animated series Diablo can work easily. Castlevania did, too. But StarCraft could work as a series with real actors.


Dang it.

Now I’ve got the mental sound of a Connery-esque voice whispering “Stay a while and listen” as a bumper, every return from “commercial break.” Or at least at the start of the show, every episode.

still waiting and hoping haha official word its cancelled would be great but, guess it isnt as theres no news?

It’s not the first and wont be the last series that gets lost in limbo for one reason or another.

it got canceled because the people watching it didnt like having to pay $4.99 evey 10 min just to see the characters advance in power on each episode :rofl:

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Then make it About Uldyssian and the beginning of the sin war, before the merchants started overpricing gear :rofl:

Kill it with fire!!!

Netflix adaption is cancer.

We do not need Diablo se-x scene.

We already got that in D3 when Diablo took over Leah’s body.

It was certainly weird. They also wanted Diablo to be a hot demon chick ( you can google the early concepts) but someone ( thankfully) stopped them.

They had lot of weirdos working at D3 For sure. Wonder how many were from Cosby gang.

I quite enjoy a number of netflix series, a few game derived included.

they dont have credit cards