I been in the ptr and dont see 4th cube slot and have yet to have shadow clones show
what am i doing wrong
Please somebody provide the blue post for this…
Are you playing a seasonal hero? Only shows for seasonal…
It took 2 seconds to locate this.
- Starting later today, we will be turning off the Shadow Clones seasonal theme. This feature will be turned back on sometime tomorrow.
- Starting tomorrow (and after we turn back on Shadow Clones), we will be turning off the fourth slot in Kanai’s Cube. This feature will be turned back after a short period of testing with this disabled.
Without the 4th slot then the changes to Etched Sigil is a total gimp job
Since the 4th slot probably won’t be permanent, I would say the change to etched sigil is a flop overall, regardless of the seasonal theme.
I don’t know why they have such a hard on for gimping the Wizard
It’s almost as if they want us Wizard players to just go away or something
4th cube slot should be permanent after S22 (season and nonseason).
You unlock it if you finished GR60 Solo in time.
You can use it in Rift and bounties at any difficulty.
You can use the 4th slot in GR until GR115 in solo and group.
try being a DH mate…14 seasons of being screwed over…when Wizards have experienced this, you can whine a bit.
Not really going to compare classes like that because imo every class has faced its own fair share of hardships and some still do. Demon Hunters and Wizards are no exceptions.
my only gripe about wizards is that they build sets that are almost nothing but high APM/short skill use window crap… where is the super easy “spin to win” wizard build!?
Not really. Barb, Monk and Wizard have been in nearly every group meta (seasonal) since season inception. All 3 have had super powerful builds, although I will wholly admit that the Barbs suffered from a good build for many seasons too.
Try getting a place in the group meta as a DH (vs Barb, Cru, Wizard, Monk, Necro). I dare you.
it is a fair and reasonable comparison.
Arguably I would say that having a few strong builds doesn’t put a class in a good standing, especially if said builds requires either an overly tedious or complicated playstyle, the use of third party program or macros, and/or plenty of luck and rng of the right rift to pull off. Nearly all of wizards top builds had fell into either of those categories.
Heck, even with DH’s GoD or Barbarian’s WW, I wouldn’t consider those classes to be in good standing either as they like every other classes are still lacking in strength in plenty of other departments. Also if we only go by which class had been in meta, then monks by that logic should have no room for complaints since they’re a near necessity for a 4 man group. To which I would disagree with as monks have their own severe issues that needs addressing.
That said, if your consideration of a class having a spot in the meta equates to having a good standing, then I can’t say much there since I rarely cared for meta builds unless the meta had shifted to a build I’ve already played (for example I was playing vyr archon before chantodo even came into the mix).
There was already a blue post in the PTR forum, which is where this belongs, saying that the 4th slot and clones would be disabled for a time then brought back.
I already said that at the top of the page, amazing.
Agreed. Understand my point of reference though - with respect to DHs, we’ve been on the outer since s6 with weak builds (vs other character classes) and no meta inclusion.
Agreed. I have been quite staunch in wanting 5 or 6 equally strong builds for EACH character class, to promote diversity. Let players choose what build they want to play, from an equal group of choices, rather than Blizzard’s current modus operandi which is 1 build is strong and the rest are crap, so if you want to play a top build, it’s that one singular build and screw the rest of the character class’ builds…
well, it’s pretty vital. Paragon is the be all and end all of D3, and you can’t really get paragon unless you’re in the meta…
Admittedly, I play very little Demon Hunter (last time I played DH was before Yang got buffed with a multiplier). That said, I have respect for DHs (as well as every other class), and I sympathized with them when Calamity was nerfed and their wolf buffs were reduced as a way to weaken their group potential. I most certainly wouldn’t argue with you, if you want to say that Demon Hunters (or any other class for that matter) suffered more than Wizards have. My only point was that Wizards have and are still suffering as well (the amount is inconsequential to me).
Yeah, quite honestly it’s a mess…
Quite true, it’s something I never truly cared for. Most of the Wizard builds that were part of a meta were unenjoyable for me, and thus I rarely played them (For example the old Energy Twister that require stacking twisters on the wall or corner along with Bazooka). As such Paragon is admittingly a low priority for me (a reason why I rarely directly speak of things regarding paragon or high greater rifts).
It’s been a gimp job ever since they changed it///
Yes, I would agree. They had 1 build that was OP and nerfed into the ground. People were using macros etc cos the build was near impossible to play legit. If Blizzard actually fixed the mechanics…
I would concur. Most “builds” are actually horrible to play imho. It’s why I only play very few builds (HT garg pet, invoker cru, ue ms, s6 impale). I do quite like the typhoon wiz build, but it’s under powered and with etched sigil being nerfed, not sure if it’s any good. I tried mundunugu WD in NS and quite liked it too. But, that’s not a lot of builds [to like].
I am more and more convinced that Blizzard dev’s don’t play D3, don’t understand it, and don’t care about it. Occam’s razor would suggest that as it’s the only logical way to explain how they can keep screwing the game up imho.