Where are those Dev posts CM’s said we would get?

Yeah, the Devs will comment after the Beta, is what they said. Well, how much longer is it going to be ?

Why can’t the Dev’s answers questions we have about the game as it is in the launch window?

How come we as fans have to get cryptic posts on Reddit, when the Devs could just talk to us right here?


The feedback can be rather confusing for the Devs:

  • they have a base of “purists” who seem to be quite happy. But how many are they and will it be enough to make money? Blizzard is not charity.
  • they have a new base of players wanting unsupported (and unanticipated) features like loot system, stacking of gems, support of ultra wide monitors…
  • they seem to have a base of console players - that they targeted by the way - who seems to be quitte unhappy with the lobbies
  • they also have the technical bugs and glitches.

4th point is the easiest one.
2nd point could be adressed saying they’ll see later…but it’s quite sensitive; It’s probably where they will get the most $$$, but at the cost of disatisfying the purists who will scream to death. Linked to point 1.
3rd point is probably the most complicated. They intended to enlarge the public of D2 (and that’s why one should not overlook the 2nd point : new comers) with console players, and it seems to be complicated right now.

I totally understand they must discuss a lot to find the best possible answers.
I’m eager to see their results too.

The purists are dumb. Diablo 2 was not a perfect game it was in fact a very broken game since day 1 and was never fixed. And compounded by dumb decisions by blizzard to nerf things like Cows or bowazons(was nerfed for pvp yet both hammerdin and assassin became much stronger then zon ever was).
These purists must of been 12 when they played d2 and never really knew the game at all. Players back then begged for change and new content and even some QoL improvements. After the first season d2 became a transitional game you played between real games. The development of d2 was still ongoing and ended way too soon no clue why. Any expansion for d2 would of sold out instantly.


“Console players” like myself are by no means a new demographic here.
Many of us are into Diablo since the late 90s or early 2000s - on PC.
But D2R has high/totally different system requirements by comparison and all we want is a full, non-broken version of the game on consoles so we dont have to put up 1000 bucks for a new gaming rig just to play this one game we love.

It would be a different thing if D2R was never brought to and advertised for consoles.
But as they commited to console ports and advertised them as the full unchanged game, we rightfully demand the full unchanged game and no dumbed down, broken shadow of the game.


I’m sorry I was not clear and I did not want to offend you.
What I wanted to say it’s a new market they’re exploring, probably because they are aware that they can largely increase their sales if they bring the game to consoles.
Except it introduced some new questioning (FFA loot and controler ? PC and skillbar while console have a skill bar, …).
Sorry XCBX.

we rightfully demand the full unchanged game and no dumbed down, broken shadow of the game.

Absolutely. That’s why I said they can’t dodge “my 3rd point” in the previous com.


I’m offended by the way the current console port turned out with no chat/player communication and changing the lobby system we all know and love and need to play the game for a beyond broken “party finder” force matching system.
That anihilates the D2 bnet experience.

Your comment is fine.
Its just important that we all know we’re the same crowd here, playing the same games on PC for over two decades.
Just some went into the direction of getting high end gaming PCs and others went in the directions of playing most games on console over the years.
We all deserve the same fully functional D2R.


I do have both copies and a laptop capable of playing it but it’s so much more convenient to do it on a console… When you have a toddler that might need attention pronto. Plus the big TV experience is great. It seems I can only play if with my wife though and for some serious running we will have to use our PC’s not consoles. Annoying and very off putting.

It seems there is more vets like us with similar problem with the dumbed down console experience.

Not a way to chat… D3 at least has the voice chat…


d2 is a glorious masterpiece and all the broken things you’re talking about helped make it so.


Well, that’s really setting the bar low. :joy:


I hope however that the new changes will be made in a dedicated realm.

This way, we could preserve the original game, with its limitations that have some appeal to some players and have a some new additions that could be nice.

I’d like to be able to play “D2R like D2 LOD (1.09 please :)” and D2R like D2 LOD 1.15, 1.20 etc…;

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Because Blizzard is absolutely atrocious at communication and player outreach!

Is it though? Things like brevik saying he woulda done personal loot if he could have etc is like saying what if the pitcher threw a slider instead of a change up, you don’t know how it would have turned out, it could have been worse than what it was

A modern skill bar, like the controller has, is very much so requested.

I’m shocked they haven’t said anything on this because it’s going to make a ton of new players quit. D2R plays horribly without this modern mechanic and will no doubt throw people off.

I’m an old Diablo player since Diablo 1 and was hoping this would have been fixed with the remaster. I don’t think the game will hold my attention long with this glaring oversight, to be honest. Which is a shame.

it’s fine. all it matters is that you’ve bought it.

First week september they will speak

They cant make all players happy,someone want something and other dont like it is a spiral of tourments lol

Yeah agree im 39 and i ve playing all diablo franchise since d1 on ps1 then d2 on pc after d3 on console but i dont mind for make change i like new content

To be honest, I did not think about it and think the game is very playable without. It’s a 2-button game. Was.
But since they introduced it on consoles (I really think that they introcuded a lot of complicated things when they introduce console - I mean it’s great to have D2 on console…but FFA loot system on controler is a problem, skillbar clearly is one…) it’s complicated now to not propose it on pc.
Overall, they could have designed it on controler/console like the mouse on PC; with a up/down couple of key, you navigate through the different binded skills and then you always use the same button to trigger the spell.
It’s how it works with the mousewheel (selection of the skill assigned to right click) and the rightclick (trigger of the assigned spell).

But what surprises me is the feedback on controler. So many “PC” guys say it’s great…even MrLlama said he was surprised by it. I’ll have to try, since I have a Xbox wireless controler.

You’re toxic. You bash a entire chunk of gamers with a derogatory title just because they don’t agree with your point of view. There is many people who still play d2 till this day an you have no right to tell them what they are allowed to like an dislike. If they want the same game with upgraded graphics then so be it, that’s what a remaster is anyway.


Remaster does not mean exactly the same game just not a total remake. Look at RE remasters they kept the essence of the game but improved it and changed it. Even added new mechanics,. What you guys want is called a “reskin”. And dumb is only a derogatory term if it is not true.
Also curious that the same “purists” the ones complaining about more stash/character space.

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