We’re off-shooting into a different subject all together. Blizz, I believe have said that they don’t balance around 4-man groups but class by class. And what a class can do solo specifically.
They want all our classes to be able to solo a 130 at 5000 paragon. I don’t know if they intend that for every build of every class though.
What we can ask for is whatever buffs, whether damage or damage resistance that would allow our class to do so.
Seeing as I’m only around 2500 paragon and I have cleared a 116 but haven’t been able to repeat that and apparently have to do some heavy fishing to clear 117 at the moment, but I’m close.
I’m doing this without being able to group up mobs very well because I’m just terrible at it. So, I’m pretty certain my skill is considerably less than other folks with UE.
I’m just not certain whether they intend that 130 for folks like me, just an average joe, or if they mean for people that play the set really well and 5000 paragon to boot.
It’s a little unclear in their blog post which they mean.
Earlier in thread, it was determined that UE’s damage would have to be upped to 1700 percent per point of Discipline instead of the 350 percent it does now or Yang’s and DML’s damage to 500 percent each instead of 200 percent each they do now to achieve just a 127 clear for a guy like me if our assumptions about the class are true. Math pretty much dictates that.
But then, I would also need at least some sort of improved DR too. So the UE set has one damage resistance item that isn’t tied to a skill like Gunes is and that’s Wraps of Clarity. So if they leave everything else about the class alone, like not touching Vengeance/Dark Heart or never giving us the 30% damage resistance melee classes get, what kind of increase would Wraps of Clarity have to have?
Would upping it to 60 or 70% be enough or too much?