When Is The Beta Announcement

Lowkey, been playing New world to pass the time. Pretty amazing gathering/crafting mechanics, horrible PvP. Just waiting for D2R. Though, this brings up a solid question I have.
Won’t everything be wiped on release? This is me personally, so take it with a huge grain of salt.

Main reason, I Preorder because another player was telling me the progress will carry over on release. In D2LOD. Of course without doing any real research, I just hopped on and pre-order. No regrets I still plan on playing it, if I have to start over I’d rather play it on the actual release date. And I have no problem with that at all. Just trying to get a clear answer. to is it or is it not carrying over? Or this information really just unknown for now?

unless they stated otherwise, progress in beta will not carry over to the release version. Which is pretty normal when it comes to alphas/betas, with the full release being a clean slate.


I think the Information you got is wrong.
If you play beta you have to know that the progress you have will be wiped.
i’m to 99% sure that it will be so.

a Beta is a Beta. It can have huge bugs that players can use to improve them. (duplicate Items, … etc) So it would be unfair for the players that have access on release that’s why it get wiped. (Not only Blizzard do it so. Almost every Beta)

#Edit: Hope you understand. My english is not the best at all.


I have a feeling Beta announcement will be on Tuesday with the new blog (assuming they keep the trend of the last two weeks). I seen earlier that they are updating the forums for maintenance again this Wednesday, and I believe they did that for Alpha to add the feedback subforums for the Alpha Testers.


I believe by the end of this week they will announce it.

That is if this lawsuit hasn’t slowed or halted progress on D2:R… Hopefully not. I saw something in the news about the halting of progress on WoW due to the lawsuit… :grimacing:

Hopefully this isn’t the case with D2:R since VV is the group primarily working on the game. :crossed_fingers:

I shouldn’t think so, I mean, I certainly hope not, but I am sure it is two different teams working on WoW and D2R respectively.

Pretty sure you meant “to slow down time”. :wink:

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a lot of the allegations seemed to be coming from the WoW team, so that may be why. That being said, they did pull the new OW map because of it, so who knows what’s going on internally.

Main lawsuit are from WoW team I think other games are " still safe ", and have not enough impact to stop devs.

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Few day and July is end.
No news? :frowning:

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Today is Tuesday. Last couple of Tuesdays, a blog dropped. I’m assuming another blog sometime today, possibly with Beta information. If today’s blog does not contain that info, I would say no later than next Tuesday for it.


Give us a date already :stuck_out_tongue: hopefully another blog is coming today.

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and where is this blog?

Sometime today, assuming they drop one. I think last week it was in the afternoon.

They can drop it late august and do it only a 3 weeks beta huh.
That’s why they say anything. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think they’re referring to progress carrying over to other platforms, meaning you could play on pc today and on the weekend pick it up on a mobile device or something and carry on? I’m ok with a fresh start, I ordered early so I could try before release…

Side note… also playing New World, in addition to Aion Classic. Would agree on crafting/gathering mechanics. Haven’t had time to pvp a lot yet, but i do love the blending of worlds… I think right now I’m pushing through a spear/life type of combo but also considering bow. I saw some bow pvp on YT and it was pretty good… but also long… they ran out of arrows and had to finish with sword, lol. Looking forward to seeing how that game progresses… with Amazon backing it, $ shouldn’t be an issue. Hope they can get it right!

How many hours left to new blog post?

When they release it.


srsly, I think they got some tons of pressure, because its such a huge undertaking to prepare all this without bugs, and that the servers can really hold that much bandwidth.
so may things can go wrong.
it all depends how much they have got left to do…obviously. but i’m guessing really its on the server side-not on the game side. since they need to make sure it can happen without too much crashing!
as with d3 release…