when is season 19 starting?
There will be an announcement tomorrow.
22nd. not this friday but next friday
so go watch the friday after next with a bowl of cheetos and wait for day to turn to night another 9 times
not even blizzard soon
Isn’t S19 a rehash of S7 or so? Why even be interested?
There are new cosmetic, pets and portrait frame.
On top of rebalance patch and seasonal theme.
New Crusader Set: Aegis of Valor
New Monk Set: Patterns of Justice
Who knows.
We should have been told at least 2 weeks ago, but here we are.
The lack of communication is appalling.
Yet Blizz seems to never run out of excuses to dodge clear communication blaming other teams internally. These are rough times to be a D3 player.
Will be coming a season preview blog post today at (14th of Nov thursday) time unkown. It will contain the release date of season 19 and further changes
Hmm, knowing Blizz, I suppose it’s possible…
Super hype for next season.
Cool season theme.
New sets. Buffed barbs
New cosmetic.
If only they also announced D4, oh wait!
Busy with D4 announcement that ending of S18 not announced n has been over.

ending of S18 not announced
It was posted here on the forum well in advance via a pinned thread that was at the top. Now that the season is over, they removed the pin.
Greetings, nephalem! With the end of the 2.6.7 PTR, we’re working on preparing for patch launch and the subsequent rollover from Season 18 to Season 19! Season 18 will be ending on November 10 at the following times: North America: 5:00 PM PST Europe: 5:00 PM CET Asia: 5:00 PM KST Please note that Daylight Savings is observed in North America beginning November 3 and Europe beginning October 27. Times are listed in the appropriate DST for the November 10 date. We will be announcing the …

It was posted here on the forum well in advance via a pinned thread that was at the top. Now that the season is over, they removed the pin.
Hi I think what most people are used to seeing is the reminder that is placed on the Battlenet launcher. That was removed when all the D4 info was placed there instead.
Thus for the casual player that doesn’t look at the forums here, there was no reminder that the season is ending in a few days still from the game environment.
I know this is all past tense now.

Thus for the casual player that doesn’t look at the forums here, there was no reminder that the season is ending in a few days still from the game environment.
Very true. It was a communications issue they really should not repeat. Quite frustrating for anyone who, for good reason, expected a news article to show up in the launcher. If they are going to only mention it on the forums in the future, they should warn folks do they know to look here.
It should be in the Launcher!
Presently the launcher has " Season 19 Begins Nov. 22", whats was discussed above is in the past now.