I actually expect it to start on the Friday after Aug 18, i.e. Aug 23. However there is no “Season 17 ending soon” post, which would appear on battlenet client for every season until S14 (S15 and S16 had a pre-declared ending date on season start).
It is too early to get that post. Anyway S18 start will be probably on 23 August, or on 30 August at the latest.
I mean, it’s stickied at the top of the forums…
“Season 17 ends August 18”
I think they meant a blog post, like they used to post every time a season’s end was incoming, that explained exactly what happens at the season rollover. The last time they did this was for the end of Season 14…
Yes. I’m actually surprised that they stop doing that, but it was kind of reasonable if the ending date is mentioned in the “Season XX now live” post.
However this season is different so there should be a blog post, which used to be 2 weeks before season ends.
I may be wrong, but I would think that they would space out the start of D3 S18 and the launch of WoW Classic (Tue 8/27) so that the two don’t really conflict. I suspect that the start of D3 S18 will be postponed until sometime after that first week of WoW Classic, but we’ll see.
I suspect that the anticipated blogs will available Soon™
First historically they didn’t do that here.
WoW Classic definitely take longer and more consistent efforts to play, and postponing D3 season for a month sounds weird considering how many D3 players don’t play WoW.
On the other hand an experienced D3 player can for sure finish all season journey in a weekend…
No they won’t. Stop dreaming
There’s no conflict. Play both. Why is that so hard?
Nowhere did I say that a person could not play both games. What I said is that I doubt that Blizzard will schedule any other potentially competing events concurrent with the release of WoW Classic, including the start of a new D3 season, but I guess we’ll see.
I think the same, and hope this happens.
didn’t they do this many times with wow updates?
Even so some want a bit more of a rest, I think the 23rd will diffidently happen. Why because the PTR 2.6.6 was very brief, even more than S17 and the PTR participants showed off many builds reflecting item/set changes online already. So its primed!
If I were to bet money, I am pretty sure the Friday after season 17 end is the S18 start.