When equipping "Tasker and Theo" or "Ice Climbers" from the Armory the socket stays empty even if the item was saved with a gem in it


this bug also exists on the live servers

The socket itself is a bug. Gloves and boots should not have any socket.
Where did you get them?

Edit: find them on this profile:
They are lv60 items, and seems they are legacy items, without any legendary powers.

I suggest you to throw them away and farm for some lv70 items.

Edit2: Blackarrows beats me.

Those are legacy lvl 60 items from long ago. Not a bug.

they shouldn’t? I thought the effect was quite neat back in the day, just like double socket on manticore and the 2-handed axe I always forget the name of. was a nice way of making the item actually unique.

they get deleted when the diablo servers shut down

that’s like saying that because PVP is a vanilla feature it’s fine that it doesn’t work.

it IS definitely a Bug. if it’s worth fixing however is debatable