What's Blizz's stance on streamers who verbally abuse members of this community?

I completely agree. I don’t like what Fluffy said–the personal attacks aimed at me were unnecessary–and I disagree with his take on things, but that’s okay. He’s got the right to use his platform to blow off steam, and no one should be taking any action against him.

Also strongly agree.

I’m sad to see some folk in here use this as an opportunity to launch personal attacks against myself and others, Fluffy included.


You must not be looking hard, they are posting all over the place. And if they did end up muted that means someone deemed it an appropriate punishment for their infraction.

Please be careful making statements like this. It is provably false. The OP of this thread posted only 6 hours ago. Further, the OP would not get in trouble, even if reported, because they did not break the forum rules by calling anyone out. The only think multiple reports can do is grey a post out, so it has to be clicked to view. Not even that happened to the OP.

Call out the Marines, someone is in need of a “safe place”. Or at least a bodyguard.

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you are slow :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Come on leave the guy alone. He is on our side.

Someone please tag Dr. Phil. Some people need to be sent down to the ranch. This was even more drama then the “cash me ousside” girl on the show.

There’s no need for disciplinary action imho. There was no public call, it was just a content creator, frustrated, in defensive mode and unable to take in criticism.
I understand his side and the people who disagreed with him.

Stop with the black and white thinking already, there was good info to take from all parties. He had good points and people who disagreed with him had good points, it’s just too bad he wasn’t able to take the criticisms to his advantage. Idk what happened in the past 3 years, but like he said, he was nicer back then. He definitely handled it much better in the older posts than in this video. He seemed to ignore every positive comment about him and even called people who treated him with respect and partially agreed with him an idiot.

He’s not a bad dude and he makes some good videos. He needs to learn to take in criticism, focus more on positivity than negativity and people here gotta understand too that disciplinary action from authority has to be taken a bit more seriously. There would be no internet without free speech and that is slowly changing for the worst the past few years.

I can’t understand how people can criticize Blizzard for the Hearthstone guy event and then ask for an intervention on Fluffy because of what happened on that stream.

As a new content creator myself I understand it’s hard to see negativity about what you do since it’s not as easy to create content and share it, specially if you are an introvert, like most of the gaming community. He just needs to learn to handle it better and take advantage of it.

I agree with a lot Fluffy said, but in contrast, it wasn’t such a huge buff as he seemed to think, because Rend and Whirlwind are such different mechanics. Whirlwinds required high AD and fishing, Rend uses no AD because of Ambo’s Pride. It’s hard to synergize Rend and Whirlwind atm because of the slots you need to give up, like Lamentation vs Captain Crimsons and Skull Grasp in it’s weak state vs FS/COE/BoM/Zodiac/RoRG… a 100% nerf was understandable, 200% was too much and makes it worse then HoTA.


Because some of the people on this forum are :snowflake::snowflake::snowflake: hypocrites.
For some people free speech is only free if it comes from them. :-1::-1:


Actually, the streamer in question took a lot of heat after last years Blizzcon because he happened to be the next questioner after, “Is this a out of season April Fools joke?” guy.

Because the question he asked if “Diablo Immortal would have a PC port” and not the fire and brimstone question folks thought he should have asked.

So yeah, a year later, some folks are giving him more flak about a frickin’ tweet, so he took to his stream to vent, just like he did when he was called a “Blizzard Shill” last year.

Sheesh, folks, it is okay for a guy to defend himself and if I had received the abuse he did last year, I’d be a little sensitive to it now too.

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i watched it. it’s nothing.
you guys need to grow-up.
if you want a verbally abuse streamer watch LowTierGod’s stream.
that guy is made of “verballyabuse” :smiley:


Watched the video.
Read all the posts to the end.
I’m disappointed at the Lamentation nerf. I’m disappointed by the Boneringer and the Vyr’s nerfs too.
Clearly the WW nerf hurt the Barb Community feelings. Just as clearly they’re lashing out like a wounded animal, and the Fluffy guy got too close.

The thing that astounded me the most in all of it was: “You should have consulted with the Barbarian Community before posting…”

Just… Wow!


Yep there were such times in old forums. Not so much nowadays though. Everybody gets bashed there initially. It is their acceptance ceremony or so :slight_smile: Back in the day when I found the BK swords attack speed buff that was nerfing its zodiac procs, no one believed. I made a forum post and then a reddit post*, developers immediately responded and fixed BK sword. Apparently we had been using it bugged from the beginning. But it was faced with criticism initially (this bug fix let us drop some CdR from Zodiac build and place those points in to IAS increasing WW BPs). However, there are so many knowledgeable players there and intellectual clashes are inevitable. One must know this before doing any discussion there. However, at the end of the day, they know how to make peace as well.

*Reference below

Sorry had to do it lol.



Streamer or not, Hater or not. Im not here to brag or flex. But not to long ago I came here to discuss my achievement for a s17 which was i became #1 ww barb of NA server in s17 and immediately I was bashed on. From that day on I never felt any appreciation for my work I did in such little time with a bunch of people Hating.

Once again i come here to say, Haters going to hate. Trollers going troll.

#1 ww barb NA SERVER S17 at #196 spot.

Barbarians will rise!

I used to be a rave dj, flying all over the world, spinning at the most hedonistic parties and getting the hottest chicks. Money flowing out my designer jeans. But that wasn’t enough for me.

I wanted more.

I wanted to be a part of the barbarian community in diablo 3


Blizzard is doing too much already to police our every damn move.
Unless the guy incited harrassment, just stop crying and move on. Anyone is entitled to criticize posts online. There are no real names involved. If he asked his followers to do anything, it’s a line crossed. Just showing and commenting is not.

I guess my question is: Are you doing this for a good reason or just to get back at someone who hurt your feelings? I’m not saying it’s one or the other, I don’t know. But lately i’ve seen people acting more and more like they are a snowflake or made of crystal glass.


While Free is an abrasive jerk, at least to me, I will say that Fluffy went after him in a very aggressive and frankly crude way. Two wrongs do not make anyone look better.

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But internet is life to then. they cant survive if they werent streaming, or instagramming every second of their live, etc. its interesting how the internet has changed society eh

The only question I have left is who’s alt is HelloYou?

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You just gotta cry about it