What would happen to Baal if his Soulstone was destroyed before he get it?

Would he die or would he never be able to transform into his true form?

In diablo_verse, I was under the impression when their physical bodies are destroyed then their souls return to hell. I am not sure if they can just destroy the soul. Although uldyssian has wiped lucion out of existence in the lore. So there’s probably a way, would probably need blizzard to come up with the means unless they somehow bring uldyssian back to accomplish the feat.

Which makes 1 wonder why he didn’t just wipe out the whole triune and cathedral out of existence in the first place. I guess we wouldn’t have to diablo_verse if that happened.

It’s never directly explained. My personal assumption is that he’d go back to Hell, since the whole soulstone business was a bit of a hoax in the first place. Uldyssian was a very special exception in regards to the permanent annihilation of a demon, and the handling of his abilities and the power levels are my greatest issues with the Sin War book trilogy. That said, if I had to assume and explain the contrivance, I imagine he didn’t use that ability again because the one time was a particular exception where he did it on reflex and his prowess simply multiplied from there, not necessitating the action again. Also, the ability was used with direct contact on a single individual - quite a different matter from obliterating, well, entire organizations at once, especially when his ultimate meta powers spawned at the end of the story (which nearly obliterated the world by itself).