What to keep? 15chars

So what is the stuff I should keep on my jounrey of my first play-thru in a dozen years?
So far I put all gems in my stash and all legendaries which I didn’t use any more.
Unused white, blue and yellow items went to the merch.
Anything else i should keep besides gems or legendaries? Or can the latter also be merched?
Thank you.

If you are playing normal mode and not hardcore,

  • Any regular gem below Marquise sell
  • Any legendary gem you don’t plan to use or level up, keep 1 of in your chest but any extras destroy by just dropping them in the ground and leaving the game
  • Any blue, white, yellow salvage at blacksmith for crafting mats, you’ll need a lot of those mats
  • extract all legendary powers you can in the kunai cube, obviously don’t destroy any legendary you are still using
  • all other unused legendaries or legendary you don’t plan to use in some way salvage for mats

Basically, don’t be a pack rat and salvage useless stuff for mats. You’ll burn through lots of mats for cube rerolls and crafting.

For hardcore, you plan for your death

  • keep gear you can level up with, although with season 33 altar of rites level requirement removal you can use level 70 gear on a level 1 character so this maybe isn’t necessary
  • Keep a backup set of gear and legendary gems. For example, if you play a marauder dh, keep a spare full set of gear for when you die.
  • Otherwise don’t be a pack rat (sell/destroy/salvage your extra stuff)
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