What the mod scene may look like in D2R (not looking good)

Yes, but with the same limitations as everything else - only single player.

While you could technically have graphical mods online, they are almost certainly not going to load or may get you banned from battle.net.


What the hell are you talking about?
Hero editor =/= mod…

I’m pretty sure I started playing mods, because I wanted to see how the game plays out with rebalanced characters, different skills and items… but I guess you know better…

Are you absolutely sure the fans of D2R will be the real D2 community?

And what’s the problem with that? Playing on Plugy is fun. Holy grail is fun.

I didn’t know D2 was ruined… when did that happen?
And if it did, what’s the problem with people enjoying a modified version of the game?


This post says multiple times that people don’t want to play single player. Are you kidding me? The single player plugy community is HUUUUUUUGE, and plugy is possibly the most popular mod (maybe slightly fewer downloads than PD2). Plugy is barely even a mod anyway. It is basically a single player community patch at this point. All it does is add vanilla features from ladder to sp, and give you enough stash space to collect the holy grail without making a million mules. The only feature not in LOD is free respecs, which I could take or leave. I’m guessing Plugy will be available in D2R pretty quickly, and tons of people will use it.


After several wow content, d3, w3r, ow, an another nicely project potentialy ruined again . Thank you for your absolutely good communication on modding, and keep makin garbage with good idea . D2R is beautiful, just the remaster we wanted , that’s sad it will lack of content in the end .

Thanks again blizzard and good luck with your new way of life. One day maybe you will stop takin dump on consumers


I’m an ex Diablo 1 & 2 modder. There is no way I’d build a mod for a single-player ARPG, ROFL. It really sucks that they’re not supporting modding. That could be a nice outlet to add new features to the game without upsetting purists.


Hi, I’m Retera from Warcraft 3 Reforged playerbase. I have some great memories playing Diablo 2 Median XL with family a few years back.

I wanted to reply to this to point out if we use Reforged as a guideline for what to expect from this company, we can figure some interesting things. For example, since launch Reforged had two big mods basically and one of them at this point has hacked Reforged to the point of dropping support for the Blizzard servers to improve the player experience.

As far as I can tell once one of the “R” versions of the old classics is finished, basically this company will publish a few small updates after release then around 8-12 months after release the team working on the remaster will be let go. They don’t care about these remasters in the longterm other than for a revenue stream so I think it’s fair to say that within a year they would probably stop caring if the players introduce their own TCP/IP hacks given that one of the two most popular Reforged mods is getting away with literally dropping support for Blizzard servers.

When people complained, Single Player mode was added to Reforged post launch, so it seems possible that something like TCP/IP could be added by the Resurrected team after launch if they get it in the first month or two like the Reforged developers did. Past the first few months, surely there will be management pressure to dissolve anybody working on the game though since updates don’t make any money obviously.

So, it might not be as much doom and gloom as you were thinking. The apathy of this company runs very deep.


this is a big honor reading something by brotherlaz ,
and i counqer. for me honestly, i would always prefer playing tcp-ip with my brother over battlenet as battlenet is much less stable, for one, the mods for two, and frankly blizzard activity in this regards reminds me a very simmilier policy with warcraft 3 : returned.
i believe if that wont continue it, d2r sales won’t glow.


@FUblizzuard You seem to making the assumption that the community playing mods would have any real interest in playing vanilla for a prolonged period of time. I can tell you personally that I don’t. The original game as great as it was lacks serious QOL elements that are present in modern games. Modded versions strike the best balance between the original essence of D2 and the QOL that gamers have come to expect.


This demonstrates a complete ignorance of what the modding community offers. You might consider educating yourself on the mods before you so confidently state that their existence is predicated on botting and duping. #facepalm


Very true. Even though I’m a skilled programmer that could build bots, I cannot stand cheating. I mod games and make sure the content is balanced. I even have them tested and get feedback. All we want to do is provide more balanced content for games. Cheating and imbalances may be interesting to people at first, but they’re not fun after it wears off. People need a challenge! Sometimes we like to add content that is more challenging to players. What’s nice is that mods are optional and don’t ruin the game like bots do.


D2R will be pretty much dead after a few months if there are no custom servers and mods. Its so sad to see blizz preventing modding in yet another game.


Why do you think so? If its your opinion Im fine with it, but dont talk about anyone here. I hate those mods. I tried some and its not what I wanna play so far. I like the d2lod how it is. The only reason I stopped playing is realm down.

Blizzard is never going to allow an active mod scene of their relevant products again after a Warcraft 3 mod created an entire genre they completely missed out on financially until it was too late. Entirely based on their engine. I wouldn’t let them exist either.

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Well Sc2 still has a pretty solid mod community. It may be your right but its not impossible. Also they may have learned from the mistake about Dota/LoL and will observe the modding community more frequently. Maybe I’m wrong but at least its a bit of hope…

wow, i don’t even play mods but you are really a bad and selfish person , atleast your comment make me think of you this way , i hope i’am wrong.

What’s wrong with players , playing in their corner , solo as they want to ?

What’s ruined diablo online is bot/dupe/jsp/pickit/maphack user
not SP mod users.


It doesn’t need QoL. D2 was fine, the only problem was the botting and duping. Modders should be grateful that they were even allowed to operate, they seem to think their little tweaks constitute intellectual property. Hopefully Blizzard comes down on them.

Is it out of the realm of possibility to simply create TCP/IP protocols with a mod? Or even port the original D2’s into D2R? Maybe someone else already said this, I don’t know.


That’s terrible news tbh

Not sure if ignorant, elitest, just a troll, or all three. Either way I think we’re done here lol

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Ok. Then stop complaining, get your refund, and let real D2 fans play D2R the way it was intended. :+1: