Paid servers for mods could be solution maybe? blizz would profit from it, it would be legal and we could have modded servers.
basicly something like minecraft realms.
Paid servers for mods could be solution maybe? blizz would profit from it, it would be legal and we could have modded servers.
basicly something like minecraft realms.
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play mods.
No one is forcing you to not play the original game either.
You seem to mix up D2 mods with mods, as they work in WoW. In D2, mods are separate games, which do not influence your gameplay experience on Bnet in any way. It is a separate installation, running on separate servers, with separate rules.
I’d rather Blizzard use the resources on the non-modded version of the game.
I don’t use mods and have played every season since 2008 til now on Bnet.
So the mod community does keep the game alive for mod players only.
Bnet has a very large community world wide to this day.
I never played using mods.
I didn’t play enough to be interested in mods.
Or … on the contrary the game was fun enough that I never thought about using mods.
Seeing the current situation, I can’t help but ask the following:
Could it be that people got used to mods due to blizzard’s lack of updating?
If that’s the case, why don’t you wait for someone to develop tools that allow mods in D2R?
I don’t think it’s the end of the world.
Many times companies and governments wanted to stop piracy and people always found a way to avoid the problem.
It’s just a matter of time.
Right now there are private WoW servers that seem much more interesting than retail.
It splits up the community. If they fix botting and duping then there’s no reason for mods to continue existing.
There were mods before Lord of Destruction came out.
By “tools that allow mods in D2R”, I assume you mean private servers, and as I said in the OP, those violate the Terms of Service and will get you in serious legal trouble. We knew that, so we expected to have to rely on TCP/IP (Hamachi) and/or open Blizzard cut one and silently dropped the other, so our remaining options to play mods online just vanished.
Perhaps you mean someone will put TCP/IP back in. I can see that being a technical possibility, but it would almost certainly end in a cease and desist letter from legal.
I didn’t make this thread to complain to Blizzard. Complaining to a company doesn’t accomplish anything if people still buy the game. I made this thread just to set the record straight about people’s hopes for mods in D2R, and to correct some misconceptions (notably “mods use private servers so they’ll be fine”).
Anything is possible in the future, but for now, modding looks to be severely hamstrung. That’s all.
I don’t support cracked versions of D2R, but that’s just me.
Mods have nothing to do with botting and duping, and TCP/IP has nothing to do with closed
You claim mods would split up the community. That would mean that a significant number of people would prefer to play mods instead of the official game. That would make removing multiplayer mod support a very bad idea, no?
People went to mods because botters and dupers ruined LoD. If Blizzard fixed the cheaters, then there’s no reason to play mods anymore.
It has never done that really… At least is was never an issue, that people could decide, which game they like more. Most people have played all of them anyway.
I mean, just look at Twitch. Everyone’s on Plugy/PD2. It will be nice to see those mods die off when everyone comes back to real D2 (D2R). Hopefully it lasts a while before either the cheaters or modders ruin it again.
We will have to wait and see what happens.
Maybe … it is possible to upload all the mods to the server, to all of them, and then it is the player himself who decides which one to download and play?
I suppose that mods must go through some kind of filter and criteria before uploading them.
Something like this is what happens with Torchlight 2 on Steam.
So apparently people prefer PD2 over the vanilla game. And you want to stop them from having fun, and force them to play a version that is inferior in their opinion?
I’ll tell you what they will do instead: uninstall, play something else, and forget D2R existed. How is that an improvement?
If people prefer a mod then I can’t help them. They can either join the real D2 community or play something else, I’m not really concerned. I just hope the devs don’t get on board with that mod nonsense.
So what? Let these people have their fun… It’s not like you experience any negative aspects in pure D2 LoD from that, do you?
I mean your name says it all… Always look on the bright side of life dude.
Agreed with the “bright side of life”. I was looking forward to modding D2R, but they lied about TCP/IP and also removed open, so there’s no point and I’m going to play something else instead.
Plenty of other games to play/mod, I suppose.
I think you’d get a lot of mileage out of texture mods if possible.
In fact that’s the reason I’m here, to ask if reskinning/fixing the character models is possible.