What skills cause chill effect?

Google is coming up with conflicting data on this. Do Wizard cold skills chill or not?

Pretty much every wizard cold skill does, from what I remember when I tested it before. Wizard is definitely a bit of an exception here, cold DH skills don’t apply a chill/slow unless they specifically state it (e.g. Wind Chill, Frost Arrow).

I know for sure that all cold runes of Blizzard, Frozen Orb, Frost Hydra, Energy Twister: Mistral Breeze, the cold Chantodo’s wave all apply a chill/slow. So does Ray of Frost (but that’s not surprising, it tells you it does). Pretty sure I remember testing Explosive Blast: Obliterate and it does as well.

There’s definitely a few more wizard cold skills I can’t remember testing (or never tested in the first place), but I don’t think I’ve ever tested a cold wizard skill that didn’t apply a chill/slow.

It’s actually pretty easy to check, chilled/slowed enemies have an aura at their feet. Just remove all other sources of chill/slow from your character (e.g. remove Bane of the Trapped), use the skill you are curious about, and see if the aura pops up.

I see some cold skills applying a slow effect, but is it also a chill effect?

I turned on “Display Defensive Messages” in options and it doesn’t show chill, just slow. I tested other skills like Wall of Death that states chill in the description and it also displays only slow. More confusing, some skills like Frost Hydra will apply slow but not display it in the defensive messages, but Ray of Frost does.

What would put all this to rest would be the addition of “Chill” to Defensive Messages. It seems strange that it’s absent.

The game doesn’t really differentiate between chills and slows, as far as I can tell.

If your question is related to the cold-blooded passive, basically every cold wizard that’s applying a visual slow/defensive message skill should trigger it.