What is going on in game

it is so lagging real bad. every on the server is lagging


Bro I’m just trying to play the video game I payed $40 for, by myself, I’m not even connected to the global chat. Can’t make any forward progress cuz their stickytape and toothpick servers are kicking me from the campaign every 3 minutes.

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I have to ask this why is always the server is the problem? I play on the USA server & the EU server. Yes every one will get lag. 98% I don’t get lag. 99% of the time it has nothing to do with the server.

If we are having all these server problem? Why isn’t this forum loading up with topics about the server. Most of the times if you are getting lag it is the internet not the server.

I live on the east coast of the USA. The main server is on the west coats. I have on avg 18 hops to the server. Some times up to 35 hops. So between me and the server if some kind problem pops up. I going have a problem, but wait it is the server not my internet.

Hopefully some people ensure it’s the internet. I’m sure some don’t, and some do. One time, I submitted a ticket for a game, having a connection issue, the company replied saying “It must be your internet” though I was having no problems with anything else. Then an hour later, a bunch of complaints appeared on reddit for the same thing. A day later, they admitted server issues.

There were DDoS attacks for a while. Some leading players from WoW even lost their Hardcore characters to the lag spikes if you follow the news for their community. Some players also experienced lag spikes in other games, such as Diablo 3 and apparently Diablo 4. When that’s the case people usually dismiss any problems on their end, but that doesn’t mean they’re wrong; it could be caused by server solely.

In a usual scenario, lag maybe caused by common problems but they’re easy to solve. You can install the game on an SSD to increase the speed of read, thus renders would be processed smoother. Downloads are dynamic for music, sound effects and ambient sounds in Diablo 3, and they are not exactly encrypted assets like tile sets.
There is a reason why most people get stutters when they first enter an area and music file buffering slowly. Regardless, faster reading process also help assets to be unpacked swiftly.

If you are getting consistent lag spikes at certain hours only however; it’s best to disable all internet browser add-ons that try to communicate to their servers at unknown intervals and scan your computer for potentially unwanted programs, or malware. Sometimes, when you call process manager after a lag spike, you may find your internet browser or music stream services trying to sneakily update itself as well.

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There’s been multiple attacks over the last 2ish weeks that have impacted several of the games. The latest I’ve seen that was confirmed was yesterday, with a possible one overnight (I haven’t seen it confirmed), so it seems the attackers are still at it.


The only point I’m making when people have lag or something else. The first thing they say it is the server. When most of the time it isn’t. I have played in many games that people have complain that they are getting lag. Plus I’m not having lag.

About 99% of the time in the past 13 yrs I haven’t had any lag. Yes I have read about the DDoS attacks. I was still playing when the warning was showing. Like naksiloth said it can be almost anything. What you are playing the game on, internet connection, whats running in the back ground anything.

There was one time yrs ago we were having internet problems in the area. I thought they had fix it and started playing again. I was playing HC and you got it. The internet went down again. Well you know what happen there RIP.

The other thing I have 2 accounts and I some times run both at the same time. One on a laptop and the other on a computer. The laptop runs WiFi so I do get a little lag on the laptop. Where the computer is running fine.

You’re not wrong. A lot of people naturally want to blame something else.

It’s hard to base if off of our personal experiences because there are so many variables.

Case in point, I LOVE hardcore in Diablo. It’s one of my favorite aspects of the game. Weird thing is, I occasionally get that weird rubber-banding effect on HC. Never once in my 9 years of playing Diablo 3 have I got that in SC. I have a hard time believing my internet just happens to act goofy when I play in HC.


Golly gee, if only there was a way to design a 13 year old game 97% of people are playing by themselves to not require 4000 miles of copper wire to run…

Are you from the 1970s?

You do know fiber optic makes up most of the connections, right?

80s actually, and worked for many years in telecom.

The backbone itself might be fiber but that’s a huge assumption for most of the rest of the country these days.

The better question is why is a multi-billion dollar dinosaur company so bad at game design? 10 different ways they could have done it better and they always choose the greediest, dumbest and least efficient.

Actually not as much as you think. Not to mention not all internet sources even use copper, and those that do only do so a few miles or so to the final destination. DSL can only travel about 3ish miles before it degrades too much on copper. (Used to install DSL myself) Coax/Cable can go farther of course, but still. Even where I live in the rural sticks we have fiber drops to most of the area. There’s a fiber drop box about a mile from me where I get a DSL connection/phone service from. But I mostly operate on Starlink, which is pure satellite till it reaches a ground station where its fed by… Fiber.

So… Yeah.

I hear rich people get that way by asking you, specifically, what you would have done in their shoes approximately 30 years ago…

EDIT: Not that I really want to defend blizzard. They’re the king idiot of all the world’s (redacted) idiots lately (/Locke Lamora reference). At the same time, the basic idea of “X is so stupid, even I could have done better than that” is a really, really tired trope.

Most of us could not, in fact, “do better.” Else, we’d be the ones people are claiming is “so stupid” while handing us tons of money, right?


Fiber has been around for a while but in some places, it’s brand new. My area didn’t get any fiber at all until 2 years ago when other had it for years. I don’t know how many asked me “How do you not have fiber?” I just didn’t, wasn’t offered. The longest running ISP here still only uses copper.

I think there is some confusion.

We are talking about fiber as the backbone of most local connections. Not all the way to each house, which is a thing, but not that popular yet.

The most common setups, especially in rural areas, are fiber runs with drop boxes to then feed copper lines to residential/business locations where the density is sparse.

Here every few miles along a fiber cable you will have a drop box that then crosses over to copper, because its very sparse and rural here. The average DSL line speed is 6-10MB, unless you are in a town, then it can be 20-80MB. Most of us here don’t even have cable options, and only a very few have direct fiber.

But my point (again) is that fiber makes up a HUGE portion of the network as a whole. Copper is but a fraction of that, but is still used for the final leg of a connection for many ISP/phone services.

This seems a little funny considering both Diablo 1 and 2 did vastly better in this regard.

Sure… but does that really matter… Fiber has plenty of problems too, for simplicity sake there’s not a ton of difference to the end user if a switch needs a reboot, the fiber gets damaged or it’s going through 10 miles of copper to get to that point… I live on a mountain for example and my whole state is predominantly (90%) shared bandwidth coax.