Iria has taken it upon himself to update and continue this thread, he even made it a Wiki. You can find the updated Wiki version here:
Hey everyone! I found an old archive of my damage calc guide! It’s slightly out of date, Patch 2.6.0, so some items might be missing or wrong but I figured it’s better than nothing. I’m not sure if I’m going to review the guide, or update it, and I can’t post hyperlinks in topics, but if someone in the community would like to take it over I’m willing to share the document with them.
Happy hunting everyone!
What is Additive/Multiplicative Damage; A DH’s Perspective
This guide is going to go over what Additive and Multiplicative Bonus damage means, how it affects the demon hunter when gearing, it will also list all of the different damage buffs in their respective categories and go over why people choose specific pieces of gear over others when the bonus damage appears to be less. I’ll also include a FAQ answering such questions as: “Why Focus and Restraint and not two Discipline Rings when using UE6?”.
Current Version = Patch 2.6
Table of Contents:
Use your Browser’s text search function (Ctrl+F) and use the “#.#” associated with the topic to navigate to sections faster.
1.0 Additive Damage
…1.1 Definition
…1.2 Type A Multiplier - D.I.B.S.
…1.3 Type B Multiplier - Monster Debuffs
…1.4 Type C Multiplier - Individual Skill Modifiers
2.0 Multiplicative/Exclusive Damage
…2.1 Definition
…2.2 Type D Multiplier - Elemental Damage
…2.3 Type E Multiplier - Elite and Species Damage
…2.4 Type F, G, H, I… Multipliers - Exclusive Multipliers
3.0 List of Damage Modifiers and their classifications
…3.1 List of Type A Modifiers - D.I.B.S.
…3.2 List of Type B Modifiers - Monster Debuffs
…3.3 List of Type C Modifier - Individual Skill Modifiers
…3.4 List of Type D Modifier - Elemental Damage
…3.5 List of Type E Multiplier - Elite and Species Damage
…3.6 List of Type F, G, H, I… Multipliers - Exclusive Multipliers
4.0 How different Types of Damage Modifiers Interact
…4.1 How do the same bonuses on different pieces of gear combine?
…4.1.1 Example 1
…4.2 How do Two of the Same Type of Bonus Interact?
…4.2.1 Example 1
…4.2.2 Example 2
…4.3 How are Types: A, B and C Bonuses combined?
…4.3.1 Example 1
…4.3.2 Example 2
…4.4 How are Types: D, E, F… used in an equation?
…4.4.1 Example 1 Type - D
…4.4.2 Example 2 Type - E
…4.4.3 Example 3 Type - F, G, H, I…
…4.5 How does combining all different Types of Bonuses work?
…4.5.1 Using Types A → J…
…4.6 How are % damage increases/decreases from a bonus calculated?
…4.6.1 Example 1
…4.6.2 Example 2
…4.7 How do you compare which setup is better?
…4.7.1 Example 1
5.0 FAQ
…5.1 Why Focus and Restraint and not two Discipline Rings when using UE6
…5.2 If my Additive Damage is already very high should I stack more
…5.3 Why should I get any Additive Damage at all?
…5.4 More information/Other class perspectives
6.0 Conclusions
…6.1 Summary
…6.2 Special Thanks
1.0 Additive Damage:
1.1 Definition:
The term “Additive Damage” is used to describe bonus damage mods that will be summed together to create a single multiplier that will be used in the damage equation. They are more commonly referred to as: Type A, B and C multipliers. All three of these different Types are what are summed together, hence the term additive. To avoid confusion, I think it’s best to refer to a buff by it’s Type whenever possible.
It’s generally less desirable to have to have a lot of Additive Damage mods spread across many pieces of gear, their over all yield typically ends up being less than that of what Multiplicative Damage mods could provide by replacing them. In some instances it is definitely worth stacking these when the value is high enough on a single piece or a spec really benefits from the item’s bonus.
1.2 Type A Multiplier - D.I.B.S. :
Type A Multipliers are damage modifiers that increase your character’s damage, these are also sometimes called D.I.B.S. (Damage Increased By Skill).
1.3 Type B Multiplier - Monster Debuffs:
These are damage modifiers that affect each monster on an individual basis and increases damage dealt to them, but they don’t directly increase your character’s damage.
1.4 Type C Multiplier - Individual Skill Modifiers:
Items that increase the damage of an individual skill and have an affix worded similar to: “Increases Multishot’s Damage by XX%” are referred to as Type C damage mods.
“Increases Multishot Damage by 75-100%”
2.0 Multiplicative/Exclusive Damage:
2.1 Definition:
Multiplicative Damage is a term used to describe damage bonuses that are typically not summed with any other bonuses, only within themselves (ie. 15% Fire + 15% Fire = 30% Fire Damage) and will be multiplied against the whole equation individually. These are very powerful bonuses and you should strive to reasonably obtain as many of them as possible.
2.2 Type D Multiplier - Elemental Damage:
This category encompasses all of the “(Insert Element) Skills deal XX% more damage” multipliers. These damage modifiers will only affect your damage if you use a skill of the same element listed on the item. If you had 20% Fire Damage and used Multishot - Fire at Will (Lightning Damage), you would not see an increase in damage. If you were to use Multishot - Arsenal instead of Fire at Will you would see a 20% increase in damage
2.3 Type E Multiplier - Elite and Species Damage:
This category is used to describes affixes related to species (Human, Demon, Undead) and “Increases damage against elites by XX%”. These damage modifiers will be added together creating it’s own category.
2.4 Type F, G, H, I… Multipliers - Exclusive Multipliers:
Any damage modifier that is considered an Exclusive Multiplier will be used as it’s own category and will multiply itself against the entire equation. These are called exclusive because they do not sum together with any other buffs.
3.0 List of Damage Modifiers and their classifications:
I’m going to be referencing a list created by a community member named Dawg6. This list can be found inside of his damage calculator:
Click on “Legend” on the left, near the bottom
This is a great tool overall and I highly recommend using it to help optimize, as well as hopping into his thread and giving him a +1 to show appreciation for his hard work.
** If you see any mistakes or have things to add to it, please post them **
Use your Browser’s text search function (Ctrl+F) to find the modifier you’re looking for faster
Additive Damage Categories:
3.1 List of Type A Modifiers - D.I.B.S. :
(S) = Shared Benefits for All Party Members
(P) = Personal Benefit Only
code ttp://
-Archery damage bonus (8% when using 2H Bow)
(S) ttp:// - Slam Dance
-Big Bad Voodoo/Slam Dance active bonus (15% during uptime)
(P) ttp://
-Harrington Waistguard bonus (100-135% during uptime)
(P) ttp://
-Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan bonus (+ while moving, - while stationary)
(P) ttp://
-Scoundrel Hysteria Damage Bonus
(P) ttp://
-Taeguk active gem bonus
(S) ttps://
–5% Increased damage for every Monk with a different active aura, while unity is selected, up to a max of 15%[/code]
3.2 List of Type B Modifiers - Monster Debuffs:
(S) = Shared Benefits for All Party Members
(P) = Personal Benefit Only
code ttps:// - Lightening Storm
Enemies take 15% more damage from Lightening Skills for 4 seconds
(S) ttp:// - MFD
-Calamity Marked for Death bonus (15% while applied)
** Calamity is currently very bugged and breaks MfD, do NOT use calamity **
Video Bug Report:
(S) ttps:// - Gathering Storm
- Chilled enemies take 10% more damage from all sources
(S) ttps://
- Enemies take 10% more damage from all sources
(S) ttps:// - Gale Force
- Enemies take 15% more damage from Fire Skills for 4 seconds
(S) ttps:// - Flesh is Weak
- Marked enemies take 15% more damage for 9 seconds
(S) ttps:// - Bone Chill
- Enemies take 33% more damage while frozen or chilled by Frost Nova
(S) ttps://
- Both Jinx and Toad of Hugeness make enemies take 15% more damage
(S) ttp:// - Breaking Wave
-Crippling Wave/Breaking Wave active bonus (10% during uptime)
(S) ttp://
-Affected enemies will also take 3% increased damage.
(S) ttp:// - Forbidden Palace
-Inner Sanctuary/Forbidden Palace active bonus(30% during uptime)
(S) ttp://
-Gem of Efficacious Toxin rank 25+ bonus (10%)
(S) ttp://
-Haunt of Vaxo Marked for Death bonus (15% during uptime)
(S) ttp://
- Conviction bonus (8 - 16%, depending on rune during uptime)
(S) ttp://
-Marked for Death active skill bonus (15%+ while applied,
depending on selected Rune)
(S) ttp:// - Paranoia
-Mass Confusion/Paranoia active bonus (20% during uptime)
(S) ttp://
-20-25% more damage to enemies hit by entangling shot
(S) ttp://
-Piranhas active bonus (15% during uptime)
(S) ttps:// - Snow Blast
- Enemies take 15% more damage from Cold Skills for 4 seconds
(S) ttp:// -
-10% increased damage to all sources
(S) ttp:// - Mutilate, 2nd
-10% increased damage to all sources
(S) ttps:// - Divine Verdict
- Blinded enemies take 20% more damage from all sources
(S) ttp:// -
Time Warp
-Slow Time/Time Warp (15% during uptime)
(S) ttp://
-Strongarm Bracers bonus (20-30% during uptime)
(S) ttp:// - Falter
-Enemies take 25% more damage from all sources for 6 seconds[/code]
3.3 List of Type C Modifier - Individual Skill Modifiers
(S) = Shared Benefits for All Party Members
(P) = Personal Benefit Only
code “+XX% Bola Skill Damage”
-Increases Bola’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Cluster Arrow Damage”
-Increases Cluster Arrow’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Chakram Skill Damage”
-Increases Chakram’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Companion Skill Damage”
-Increases each Companion’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Elemental Arrow Skill Damage”
-Increases Elemental Arrow’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Evasive Fire Skill Damage”
-Increases Evasive Fire’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Entangling Shot Skill Damage”
-Increases Evasive Fire’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Fan of Knives Skill Damage”
-Increases Fan of Knives’ Damage
(P) “+XX% Grenade Skill Damage”
-Increases Grenade’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Hungering Arrow Skill Damage”
-Increases Hungering Arrow’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Impale Skill Damage”
-Increases Impale’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Multishot Skill Damage”
-Increases Multishot’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Rapid Fire Skill Damage”
-Increases Rapid Fire’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Rain of Vengeance Skill Damage”
-Increases RoV’s Damage, effects Crashing Rain
(P) “+XX% Sentry Skill Damage” - Spitfire’s rockets only
-Rockets fired by the Spitfire Turrets, and only the rockets,
will considers this damage modifier as an additive buff
(P) “+XX% Spike Trap Skill Damage”
-Increases Spike Trap’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Strafe Skill Damage”
-Increases Strafe’s Damage
(P) “+XX% Vengeance Skill Damage”
-Increases Vengeance’s Damage
(P) ttp://
- 75 → 100% Sentry Damage
(P) ttp://
- 75 → 100% Multishot Damage
(P) ttp://
- 75 → 100% Strafe Damage
(P) ttp://
- 60 → 80% Cluster Arrow Damage
(P) ttp://
- 45 → 60% Rapid Fire Damage
(P) ttp://
- 75 → 100% Strafe Damage[/code]
All damage modifiers in categories A,B and C will be summed together to make a large single multiplier.
Multiplicative Damage Categories:
3.4 List of Type D Modifier - Elemental Damage:
(S) = Shared Benefits for All Party Members
(P) = Personal Benefit Only
code “+XX% Cold Damage”
-Increases the Damage of Cold Skills
(P) “+XX% Fire Damage”
-Increases the Damage of Fire Skills
(P) “+XX% Holy Damage”
-Increases the Damage of Holy Skills
(P) “+XX% Lightning Damage”
-Increases the Damage of Lightning Skills
(P) “+XX% Physical Damage”
-Increases the Damage of Physical Skills
(P) “+XX% Poison Damage”
-Increases the Damage of Poison Skills[/code]
3.5 List of Type E Multiplier - Elite and Species Damage:
(S) = Shared Benefits for All Party Members
(P) = Personal Benefit Only
code “+XX% Damage to Beasts”
-Increases damage when fighting Beasts
(P) “+XX% Damage to Demons”
-Increases damage when fighting Demons
(P) “+XX% Damage to Elites”
Increases damage when fighting Elites, bosses, champions, or in PVP
(P) “+XX% Damage to Humans”
-Increases damage when fighting Humans and in PvP
(P) “+XX% Damage to Undead”
-Increases damage when fighting Undead
3.6 List of Type F, G, H, I… Multipliers - Exclusive Multipliers:
(S) = Shared Benefits for All Party Members
(P) = Personal Benefit Only
code “+XX% Sentry Skill Damage”
-Increases the damage of attacks launched by a sentry, including the main bolt, chains from CoT and any skills cast by using M4
(P) ttp://
-Ambush (40% to enemies above 75% health)
(P) ttp://
-Ballistics passive bonus (100% Rocket damage)
(P) ttp://
-Bane of the Powerful active gem bonus (20% while active)
(P) ttp:// Stacked
-Additive within itself for every stack but exclusive overall
(P) Rank 25 ttp://
-25% more damage to bosses and rift guardians only, does not work on champions, elites or PvP
(P) ttp://
-Bane of the Trapped bonus (15% + 3%/rank to control impaired)
(P) "BoW Generator” ttp://
-Bastions of Will Generator Bonus (50%)
(P) "BoW Spender” ttp://
-Bastions of Will Spender Bonus (50%)
(P) “Critical Hit Damage”
-increases damage when a monster is critically hit
(P) ttp://
-Convention of Elements Bonus (150-200% while element is active)
(S) ttp:// - Wolf
-Wolf Companion active bonus (15% during uptime)
(P) “Companion Bonus IAS”
-the Extra 5-7% IAS you roll on a weapon is an exclusive damage
multiplier for companions
(P) “Companion Bonus APS Damage”
-Your weapon’s base APS is multiplicative bonus damage for
(P) ttp://
-Cull the Weak passive bonus (20% to chilled/slow)
(P) ttp:// - 2 Piece
-800% more damage for
ttp:// -
Action Shot & Trail of Cinders
(P) “Dexterity”
-Dexterity bonus (1% damage per dex)
(P) ttp://
-Multishot hits twice when target is below 50-60% health, rockets from Arsenal also hit twice
(P) ttp://
- 80→100% more damage to all primary skills
(P) ttp:// - Endless Walk 2 Piece Bonus
-multiplicative damage increase that scales from 0% → 100% damage
(P) ttp://
-increase the damage of your pets by 15.00% (+0.3% damage per rank)
(P) ttp://
-Grenadier passive bonus (10% to grenade damage)
(P) ttp://
-the bonus is multiplicative overall, but additive within itself. The final bounce is currently bugged and only deals 800% dmg not 800% more dmg for x9
(P) ttp://
-Both the IAS and the Damage bonus are multiplicative to primary skills only
(P) ttp:// - Legacy of
Nightmares 2 Piece Bonus
-additive within itself per ancient item, but multiplicative
(P) ttp://
-additive within itself per stack, but multiplicative overall
(P) ttp://
-25% more damage while channelling
(P) ttp:// - 4 Piece
- All attacks done by sentries deal 400% increased damage
(P) ttp:// - 6 Piece
-The buffs are additive within themselves and increases by +1200% per Sentry, and has a max of 3000% with 5 Sentries
(P) ttp://
-Ball Lightning Damage Multiplier (varies based on target size and slow %), +200→250% damage for all skills
(P) ttp:// - 4 Piece
-Nat’s 4 piece bonus (+100% to RoV), effects Crashing Rain
(P) ttp:// - 6 Piece
-Nat’s 6 piece bonus to other skills(+500% damage for 5 seconds after RoV), effects Crashing Rain
(S) ttp://
-anyone standing in the focused area of power will have damage increased by 70-85%
(P) ttp:// - Raven
-Ravens activation bonus is an exclusive multiplier
(P) ttp:// - Shadows 2
Piece Bonus
-S2 increases damage by 1200%
(P) ttp://
-Simplicity’s Strength gem bonus (25% + 0.5 % per level to
Primary skills)
(P) ttp://
-Steady Aim passive bonus (20% when no enemies within 10 yards)
(P) ttp://
-additive for every point of hatred you have active, multiplcative overall. The damage scales actively with your current hatred.
(P) ttp:// - 4 Piece
-Unhallowed Essence 4 item set bonus (60% if no enemies within 10 yards)
(P) ttp:// - 6 Piece
-Unhallowed Essence 6 item set bonus(40% per point of discipline)
(P) ttp://
-increases all damage sources by 40%
(P) “Weapon Damage”
-Average Main Hand Weapon Damage
(P) ttp://
-Each stack is summed additively, gain the first stack immediately, gain 1 stack every 0.5 seconds
(P) ttp://
-Zei’s stone of vengeance gem bonus (4% + 0.08%/rank per 10 yards up to 50 yards).[/code]
4.0 How different Types of Damage Modifiers Interact:
4.1 How do the same bonuses on different pieces of gear combine?
4.1.1 Example 1
Let’s say you have 15% Strafe damage on your quiver, boots and helm. These will be combined like this:
=1 + (Quiver + Boots + Helm) * 0.01
=1 + (15 + 15 + 15) * 0.01
=1 + 45 * 0.01
=1 + 0.45
=1.45x more damage to Strafe
This is the same for all damage buffs regardless of their Type. You always add same bonuses together.
4.2 How do Two of the Same Type of Bonus Interact?
4.2.1 Example 1
In this example we will assume that we are using Hexing Pants and Taeguk, both of which are Type A - DIBS.
Hexing Pants = 25%
Taeguk = 30%
= 1 + (Hexing Pants + Taeguk) * 0.01
= 1 + (25 + 30) * 0.01
= 1 + 55 * 0.01
= 1 + 0.55
= 1.55x more damage
4.2.2 Example 2
Now let’s do it again with Marked for Death and Strong Arms, these are considered Type B - Monster Debuffs.
Marked for Death = 15%
Strong Arms = 30%
= 1 + (MFD + Strong Arms) * 0.01
= 1 + (15 + 30) * 0.01
= 1 + 45 * 0.01
= 1.45
If two buffs are within the same Type category they will be summed together to create a single multiplier.
4.3 How are Types: A, B and C Bonuses combined?
4.3.1 Example 1
As mentioned earlier, Types: A, B and C will be combined to create a single multiplier, after their sums have been calculated. To demonstrate this we will use the following stats:
Taeguk = 30% More Damage (Type A - DIBS)
Marked for Death = 15% More Damage (Type B - Monster Debuff)
Helm = 15% Strafe Damage (Type C - Individual Skill Modifiers)
our equation will look like:
= 1 + ( Type A + Type B + Type C ) * 0.01
= 1 + ( Taeguk + MfD + Strafe ) * 0.01
= 1 + (30 + 15 + 15 ) * 0.01
= 1 + (30 + 15 + 15) * 0.01
= 1 + 60 * 0.01
= 1 + 0.6
= 1.6x more damage
To do this we summed together Types A, B and C to create a single multiplier.
4.3.2 Example 2
This time we’re going to add in multiples of Type A, B and C
Hexing Pants = 25% More Damage (Type A - DIBS)
Taeguk = 30% More Damage (Type A - DIBS)
Marked for Death = 15% More Damage (Type B - Monster Debuff)
Strong Arms = 30% More Damage (Type B - Monster Debuff)
Helm = 15% Strafe Damage (Type C - Individual Skill Modifiers)
Boots = 15% Strafe Damage (Type C - Individual Skill Modifiers)
our equation will look like:
= 1 + ( Type A + Type B + Type C) * 0.01
= 1 + ( (Hexing+Taeguk) + (MfD+Strong Arms) + (Helm + Boots) ) * 0.01
= 1 + ( (25+30) + (15+30) + (15 + 15) ) * 0.01
= 1 + (55 + 45 + 30) * 0.01
= 1 + 130 * 0.01
= 1 + 1.3
= 2.3x more damage
4.4 How are Types: D, E, F… used in an equation?
4.4.1 Example 1 Type - D
Type D multipliers, which covers Elemental Damage, will be used as an individual multiplier against the rest of the equation. Let’s say we have:
Bracers = 20% Lightening Damage
Ammy = 20% Lightening Damage
= 1 + (Type - D) * 0.01
= 1 + (Bracers + Ammy) * 0.01
= 1 + (20 + 20) * 0.01
= 1 + 40 * 0.01
= 1 + 0.40
= 1.40x for Lightening skills
4.4.2 Example 2 Type - E
Type - E multipliers cover Bonus vs Elites and Species Damage, for this example we assume we are using Tyrael’s Might and Stone of Jordan
Tyrael’s Might = 20% Demon Damage
Stone of Jordan = 30% Bonus vs Elites
Now sum together all bonuses that apply to the monster you’re fighting, let’s say it’s an elite demon:
= 1 + (Type - E + Type - E + …) * 0.01
= 1 + (20 + 30) * 0.01
= 1 + 50 * 0.01
= 1 + 0.50
= 1.50x more damage to Elite Demons only.
4.4.3 Example 3 Type - F, G, H, I…
Anything that is considered an Exclusive Multiplier and is currently active as a buff will receive it’s own category/letter assignment. These buffs are never summed with any other buff and will always be multiplied as its own value. If we were using Cull the Weak, Bane of the Trapped and Ambush this is what we would get:
F = Cull the Weak = 20% More Damage
G = Bane of the Trapped = 20% More Damage
H = Ambush = 40% More Damage
our equation becomes:
= (1 + Type F * 0.01) * (1 + Type G * 0.01) * (1 + Type H * 0.01)
= (1 + CtW * 0.01) * (1 + BotT * 0.01) * (1 + Ambush * 0.01)
= (1 + 20 * 0.01) * (1 + 20 * 0.01) * (1 + 40 * 0.01)
= (1 + 0.2) * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + 0.4)
= 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.4
= 2.016x more damage
4.5 How does combining all different Types of Bonuses work?
4.5.1 Using Types A → J…
This example is going to use a buff from every single Type Category.
Taeguk = 30% More Damage (Type A - DIBS)
Marked for Death = 15% More Damage (Type B - Monster Debuff)
Helm = 15% Strafe Damage (Type C - Individual Skill Modifiers)
Bracers = 20% Lightening Damage (Type D - Elemental)
MH and OH = 16% Bonus vs Elites (Type E - BvE)
Cull the Weak = 20% More Damage (Type F)
Bane of the Trapped = 20% More Damage (Type G)
Ambush = 40% More Damage (Type H)
Focus = 50% More Damage (Type I)
Restraint = 50% More Damage (Type J)
** keeping adding letters for every exclusive multiplier you have in play **
our Equation is:
= (1 + ( Type A + Type B + Type C) * 0.01) * (1 + Type D * 0.01) * (1 + Type E * 0.01) * (1 + Type F * 0.01) * (1 + Type G * 0.01) * (1 + Type H * 0.01) * (1 + Type I * 0.01) * (1 + Type J * 0.01)
= (1+(30+15+15)0.01) * (1+200.01) * (1+160.01) * (1+200.01) * (1+200.01) * (1+400.01) * (1+500.01) * (1+500.01)
= (1+600.01) * (1+200.01) * (1+160.01) * (1+200.01) * (1+200.01) * (1+400.01) * (1+500.01) * (1+500.01)
= (1+0.6) * (1+0.2) * (1+0.16) * (1+0.2) * (1+0.2) * (1+0.4) * (1+0.5) * (1+0.5)
= 1.6 * 1.2 * 1.16 * 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.4 * 1.5 * 1.5
= 10.1025792x more damage
4.6 How are % damage increases/decreases from a bonus calculated?
To find out what your % damage increase/decrease was for a stat, you must compare your new value versus the old. To do this use this equation:
= (1 - Larger Multiplier / Smaller Multiplier) * 100
4.6.1 Example 1
Let’s say our Old Multiplier was 1.56 and our New multiplier is 1.78:
= (1 - New Multiplier / Old Multiplier) * 100
= (1 - 1.78 / 1.56) * 100
= (1 - 1.1410) * 100
= 14.10% damage increases
4.6.2 Example 2
If your new multiplier is a smaller value than the old, it will just produce a negative percentage showing a decrease. This time our Old Multiplier will be 1.56 and our New multiplier is 1.42:
= (1 - Larger Multiplier / Smaller Multiplier) * 100
= (1 - 1.56 / 1.42) * 100
= (1 - 1.0986) * 100
= -9.86% damage decrease
4.7 How do you compare which setup is better?
4.7.1 Example 1
You can find out if the new value is a damage increase or decrease by using the prior equation in 4.6 or you can just find out the new multiplier and pick whichever set up gives you a bigger number.
in example 4.6.2 we said our new multiplier was 1.42x damage and the old one was 1.56x damage, when we compare the two:
Is the New Multiplier: <, > or == the Old Multiplier?
1.42x Damage < 1.56x Damage
Keep your old set up
5.0 FAQ:
5.1 Why Focus and Restraint and not two Discipline Rings when using UE6
You would think that using two Discipline Rings, such as Manald Heal and Stone of Jordan would provide more damage then Focus and Restraint because the value gained is so much higher, but this demonstrates the effect of stacking to much bonus Damage in one category. Even though F&R and UE6 are all exclusive multipliers, it is best to mix in as many as possible because there damage contributions will also be boosted by other multiplicative damage bonuses.
Let’s say your weapon deals 1000 damage and you currently have 81 discipline(30 base, 36 from gear, 15 from invigoration)
=1000 * (1 + (Discipline * UE%/Disc) * 0.01)
=1000 * (1 + (81 * 15) * 0.01)
=1000 * 13.15
=13,150% Damage
We will now add in Manald Heal and SoJ with another 24 discipline, so a new total of 105:
=1000 * (1 + (105 * 15) * 0.01)
=1000 * 16.75
=16,750% Damage
Now let’s look at F&R. We will now be back to 81 discipline but each ring provides 50% Multiplicative Damage so our equation will look like:
=1000 * (1 + (Discipline * UE%/Disc) * 0.01) * (1 + (Focus) * 0.01) * (1 + (Restraint) * 0.01)
=1000 * (1 + (81 * 15) * 0.01) * (1 + (50) * 0.01) * (1 + (50) * 0.01)
=1000 * 13.15 * 1.5 * 1.5
=29,588% Damage
As you can see, since F&R are both multiplied against the previous totals you obtain a lot more damage then what would with the discipline rings. The lesson from this is to try and make damage modifiers as even as possible, and if you’re uncertain, check with a damage calculator.
5.2 If my Additive Damage is already very high should I stack more
This depends on the situation and what buffs you have available in certain slots, I would definitely recommend using a damage calculator to figure this out. What you should do in these situation is identify what Additive and Multiplicative bonuses you have available on these slots and then punch in the numbers to see what yields more. If only an additive damage bonus is available, then you should probably take it anyways if it won’t hurt you too much defensively (keep in mind CDR/RCR). This goes for passives as well, you should try and use as many multiplicative passives as possible but don’t be afraid to use additive bonuses as well. Every bit of damage counts.
D3 Planner:
feel free to mention more I can add
5.3 Why should I get any Additive Damage at all?
As much as Additive Damage multipliers may not contribute as much compared to an Exclusive Multipliers, they are definitely still valuable.Exclusive multipliers are not included in the additive category, but the additive category is still an exclusive multiplier in itself if you think of it. It still gets multiplied separately versus the other multiplicative bonuses, so you should always obtain a bit of additive damage.
Let’s say you had 20% fire damage already, but no bonuses in the additive category at all because you avoided them. Now you are trying to decide between adding an extra 15% fire damage or 15% multishot damage, the two equations would look like:
Add an extra 15 fire damage:
=1+(20% fire + 15% fire)*0.01)
=1.35x more Damage
Add an extra 15 multishot damage:
=+(20% fire)*0.01) * (1+(15% multishot)*0.01)
=1.2 * 1.15
=1.38x more Damage
Taking multishot yielded more damage because although it is additive, it still added a new multiplier to the entire equation because there were no other additive bonuses already active. You should always try to have at least one Additive Buff always active.
5.4 More information/Other class perspectives
I do recommend reading these threads if you’re looking for more info/other class perspectives.
I referenced them while building this guide:
Monk: (By: Neuron)
Wizard: (By: Void)
Barb: (By: Jako + Nubtro)
6.0 Conclusions:
6.1 Summary
When trying to maximize damage it is best to know which category each damage bonuses falls into, how they interact with others and try to maximize on multiplicative bonuses the most. Beyond just maximizing Multiplicative bonuses, consider how you are playing: are you in a group, are you playing solo? These may change the priority of which bonuses you want because some are shared between all party members, and some only affect you on an individual basis.
6.2 Special Thanks
Dawg6 for creating and keeping his legend up to date
Lind for finding those original two threads. Without them I wouldn’t have completed this guide
Void and Neuron for writing the other two guides
Jako and Nubtro for the Barb guides
and everyone else in this thread that has asked questions/made suggestions
Please point out any errors, ask questions, or add information you feel is important.
Happy hunting.