Hi, since there’s some bugfixes getting done by VV recently it would be pretty interesting how builds would change if razortail pierce calculation get’s fixed.
Pierce 10 (1+9) gives 71%
Pierce 29 (20+9) gives 91%
Razortail gives 33%
Bugged calculation adds the chances instead calculating each chance seperate, that makes 100% with 1+9.
Correct calculation would be prox (calculated in head, please correct if wrong)
Pierce 10 (1+9) + razor: 81%
Pierce 29 (20+9) + razor: 94%
Would probably go for max pierce + razor 
What if its just intended behavior to stack the percentages instead of rolling each separately? Why are you convinced that its a bug?
Pierce on every other item gets rolled separatly. And i recall reading many zone guides calling it a bug.
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Wouldn’t matter much tbh.
All the best bowazons both pvm and pvp only have base 1 level into pierce.
It’s really not that important or ground breaking.
The 3 end game belts that Bowas use are: Nosferatu or Dungo in pvp depending on if you use GMB bowside or Diamond bowside, and then Goldwrap in pvm.
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Yeay wouldn’t matter that much for bowazon, but theres also jav, frost maiden, immo, which all heavily rely on high pierce.
I’m not sure where your numbers are coming from. Like the 81% for example.
If they were additive it would be 71% + 33% = 104% (100)
If they were multiplicative would it not be 71% x 33% = 94.4%?
Maybe I’ve got it wrong.
Correct, this is the bugged way it is calculated right now.
But intended would be to calculate the chances seperate.
So lets assume pierce 10 = 71% and you fire 100 projectiles at an single target.
71 of these pierce the target because of the pierce skill, the other 29 get a second chance with the 33% from razortail, which lets 10 of those remaining pierce.
So 81 from 100 projectiles pierced your target (assumed absolute evenly RNG).