What God do i need to pray?

Is there any God i can pray to get some infos about Beta? :joy:

Pray to the God of patience. Then just be patient.


Pray to the God of patience. Then just be patient.


Pray to the God of patience. Then just be patient.


Should be a full game. Only beta, basically a final test before the stress test and release. Basically a last bug hunt, tweaking of any found GFX problems and or adjustments of GFX based on player observation’s or major complaints.

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Don’t worry its coming soon™


Do you have a God? :innocent:

RNGesus I always say a little prayer before I load up any game :wink:


Yes, her name is R. N. Geebus
She works at the big hospital in the sky

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You pray to a false god. May R. N. Geebus have mercy on your soul!

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Supposed to pray to RNGesus for anything game related.

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I tought thats ingame god only… :joy:

Brad Pitt.

Reason: the movie Moneyball in which Bobby Kotick has an uncredited performance.

If you are not sure, you can always chose to pray to The Great Random to get some jah during the first walkthourgh.

I accept cat treats in the form of coffee, wine, or pickles. Our Community Lead, PezRadar, posted a bit ago in response to someone falsely saying D2R was delayed.