What can i Choice?

Tell me please why, I join Public Game Normal Rift and all four games in a row play Greater Rift, why? Please added when I or somebody join Public Game(Bounties, Rift, etc.) that no start other what you or I did not choose! An example I join Public Game Normal Rift and nobody should not go into greater rift or bounties, for example. Thanks Steage.

Because the people who create the game tag the public group. They can do whatever they want in the game. They can label it as Greater Rifts and do bounties the whole time. Welcome to why public games suck.

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So okay, but I have something good idea when each players from party on public match haven’t greater keys, nobody can start greater rift, this is good for players who have no experience. New players who don’t have friends to tell them how it goes, so he must play public match for more loot, materials, etc.

That has been suggested before, but I don’t think we will get any changes to the public games. I would suggest joining a clan and playing with them instead of public games. That’s always the better choice.