What are seasons? Why do them?


I have no idea what seasons are and what the benefit of them are. You create a new character for the season, earn the rewards and then that character is retired out of season, which means you can’t use on the next season. So what is the point? Why should I bother with seasons? Can someone explain this to me like I’m five?


Yes, I’ve read that, but I don’t understand it. What does “roll into the main roster” mean, or “added to normal loot tables” etc etc? Why even do this if you lose everything after the season, is it literally just for Leaderboards?

You only lose the seasonal and/or items created via this bonus.

Your character(s), all your stuffs (Items, mats, gold…) and the xp earned during this season will be transfer into non season.

Example: at the end of the season 27, only Sanctified item (seasonal theme) disappeared. All others items were transferred.

What does that mean, “transferred into non-season”? From what I’m understanding, it just converts the character into non-season? But what happens if a new season starts, do you just abandon that character to make a new one that gets also dropped into non-season at the end, only to repeat?

Sorry if I’m being a bother. I’ve never really played Diablo and I’ve never played a game with a mechanic like seasons before, so I’m just trying to wrap my head around it.

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That’s exactly what it means. At start of season, however, you have option of ‘rebirthing’ an existing character. It resets just like a brand new seasonal toon, if you wanted to keep that hero’s name, let’s say, or if you didn’t have any empty slots for new characters and you didn’t want to delete an existing one.


Ah, I see, thank you! So then the transfer part, does that mean the loot/things you earn, goes to the character that’s been dropped from seasonal or does it go to a cache or something that others can access?

No, everything on your hero stays on that hero. Anything in your stash gets mailed to you, and you have 30 days (after the first time you log in after season) to claim it. You keep all your crafting mats, keystones, etc. Your XP points transfer over as well, and any non-season hero you have gets that amount added to them as well. The only thing you don’t get to keep are seasonal specific items.

A day or so before season ends, I go through my stash and separate out things I want to keep vs. trash that I salvage for mats. I keep ancient items and gems, trash the rest.

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If you are just starting out, seasonal play probably won’t hold much interest for you. For those who have played a long time. Getting to start over and build up your character can be fun, not to mention playing with whatever seasonal theme they have. Of course, if you don’t know how the base game plays, the seasonal theme would be just one more aspect that you would have to learn, and it can all get a bit confusing. So you are probably better off just learning how the game works, and once you are comfortable and want another fresh start, try out a season.

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No bother. It’s exactly like you said. After a season your character will become a non-seasonal character and all the paragon xp you gained will also transfer into your non-seasonal paragon levels.

People like restarting once in a while and the new season allows that.

Otherwise you’ll always have gold/paragon levels right at level 1 when starting a non seasonal character and you’ll have to just abstain from spending your paragon/gold with that level 1 character to “properly” restart. People like the fact that the season “forces” you back at level 1 with no gold or paragons. As well as the fact that a season has a “theme”. The current seasons theme is the “altar of rites” which is essentially a shrine that you sacrifice items at for new powers.