What About Special Unlockable Weapon/Armor Skins?

Topic going on in another forum right now, thought I’d bring it here because it’s a good one.

What if we could purchase special armor/helm and weapon skins, that could permanently alter the visual ascetics of the armor/helm & weapons?

Keep in mind these skins would not effect stats or attributes in any way. It only effects the visual appearance displayed for your armor/helm & weapons.


  1. I have completed an end-game pvp barb setup. I know I won’t be doing anymore gear changing on him because he has perfect gear or at least gear that I find satisfactory. So I throw 10.00 at a Blizzard shop to get a sweet looking axe skin to go over my Perfect Grief Zerk. The skin has a 1 time use.
  2. I hate the way my Nightwing looks on my Sorc with her light armor. So I could throw 10.00 at a Blizzard shop to make the Nightwing’s helm skin be a glowing eyes effect on my sorc. Or I could purchase a skin to make her light armor look like some fancy full plate. Skins have 1 time use.
  3. New skins are purchasable to change the appearance of mercenaries. Imagine a set of alternate skins for each merc, maybe 3 each or something like that. 1 time use after purchase. If you hire a new merc, the skin use is gone.

What do people think about something like this?

Would you guys pay money to Blizz for cool looking unique skins?

Would you rather see it as rare drops?

Maybe unlockable skins for participating in ladder seasons and achieving a certain level?

And there would be a way for players in their options to turn OFF the new skin displays, so that they would only see normal original skins, for those who don’t care to see them.

~ Discuss

99.9999999% of all transmog cosmetics are garbage.

No, I would not buy one.


I have no interest in transmogs. As far as others that may want this, I wouldn’t care as long as I can disable it from showing on my screen, otherwise no.


I’m with TheDarkJedi, toggle option only.


Gonna try and tell me that you wouldn’t want to be able to wear troll face meme or pepega mask on your PK character? Or be able to make your Amazon look like Red Valkyrie from Gauntlet?

Man, you guys are just no fun ^^

If you want to look different, you will have to wear a different item.
That’s the way it is and that’s the way it should be - at least for D2.


Completely disagree.

I absolutely love games that incorporate fashion wars.

And I have no problem supporting a company by tossing money at it, so long as it provides fun fashion to mess with.

It actually adds a lot to the end-game of finely tuning your mains, not just for attributes but also the theme you want it to rock while pvping or w/e it is you do.

Agree to disagree though.

Don’t worry.
You will get plenty of opportunities to throw money at Blizzard in D4 :stuck_out_tongue:


Ha, yeah. I dunno though.

I’ve been trying to keep up on trailers & what not, but so far it’s looking too much like Diablo 3 in terms of mechanics. Depending on drop rates and the depth of the game, I dunno, not sure it’ll hold my interest.

If the pvp is good, I’m sure I’ll stick around. If the pvp is bad, I’ll be gone.

It’s not that… These options are simply not liked by everyone. The game was originally released without transmogs, and there are some of us who would rather the game remain as close to a faithful remaster as possible.

As I said, I wouldn’t care about transmogs as long as I have the option to turn them off. I’m thinking about both sides of the fence.

Yup I agree when we are talking mechanics.

But this is ascetics. Does it really matter if you could make a Nightwing look like a Shako?

So cut out the idea of “new skins” and consider just being able to reskin an item with a skin that already exists, so characters can look less awkward.

Yeah, let’s consider that this is changing absolutely nothing about how the game works or feels mechanically. The newer gens are used to options like this. Adding such a function might actually increase player base significantly.

Like you said, they could also add an option in your options panel so that your interface ignores reskins, and only shows the original base skins.

Other players however, would probably enjoy being able to skin themselves with unique looks. It’s kind of a like a massive selling point for modern games actually.

This hit the nail on the head on what I’m talking about.

While I’m not necessarily against a glamour system or microtransaction skins, I would rather them dedicate resources to the game itself. Also, I would imagine that for pvp, being able to deduce an opponent’s gear choices by quick visual identification plays a role, especially with the icon art becoming more visual on the character models.

I too love being gouged on 1’s and 0’s. If they had a donate cash button I would also throw money there :slight_smile:

Not for D2 either way in my opinion but if in D4 be in game find and not just donating more money to bonus’.

I can’t think of anything that would break my immersion more.


What you are advocating for is microtransactions, albeit cosmetic only, aren’t you?

keep your micro-transactional BS out of my game


Bro I just want a troll face head for dueling, or a pepega. “serious but not serious”

That’s a differenty game.

Be careful what you wish for. It will soon develop into meme-skins and other designs that do not fit the diablo setting.
Just take a look at other games that have skins: TF2, Dota2, PUBG, HotS.
You will have a Barbarian with a cow costume eventually.

I also enjoy seeing what equipment the other play as wearing. In D3 that is already obfuscated because of transmogs. I can see the point behind not wanting an army of clones for each class. But in D2 there is at least a bit more variation in itemization (especially due to drop chances).

To get the best out of both worlds there would have to be skins for each unique that still capture the essence of it. It would be alot of work and there needs to be an audience for it.
Imagine them creating a skin for Shako making it look like Mysterions helmet in Spiderman Far from Home or the Green Goblins helmet in Raimi’s Spiderman. How many people would buy it? First they need to own the Shako, then they need to want the skin. How many potential customers would that be? 10? 100? 1000? What price would that skin need to have to be a good investment?

Skins should not have prerequisites, so they need to be too general to fit with the itemization visuals of diablo.
Or do you see a way to make it work?

Well that’s the good thing about D2R because all uniques will have unique textures and models.