Welcome our new Diablo Community Manager, TheHooley!

Welcome! Glad to have you hear and I hope you settle in well. Looking forward to the new things coming down the road for Diablo.

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Welcome, Tom.

Stay a while, listen, answer, don’t get mad :smile:

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Hei Hooley! You look exactly like me, hm…

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The best 4 words in a sentence.

I can’t wait for Blizzconline. The extra 3 months delay from usual schedule will serve for revealing even more Diablo stuff.

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true. the need for speed did get out of hand.


To be fair, there is a reason a lot of the diablo forum is frustrated, particularly if they are into class balance and/or play regularly.


The game is all about GR fisher speed runs. I hope that D4 moves far away from this nonsense.
Give us more things to do in D4, so people will no longer be concerned with what others are doing.
How can they ever balance things in D3 when all some people want are buffs, buffs and more buffs.


Welcome and enjoy your stay, TheHooley.

Why this thread is unpinned though? Should we expect more important news to be pinned at the top of the board than arrival of a new Community Manager soon? Well…


Hi Tom. Welcome to Diablo.

Are you able to assist with community outreach issues? Nevalistis was my previous contact, and since her departure, several of my emails to other CMs have gone unanswered. I have an NDA with Blizzard and need to clarify certain points. May I ask that you email me at the address connected to my account?

Welcome TheHooley!

Stay a while and listen! We hope you can guide us through the new adventures of Diablo 4 and Diablo Immortal!


Welcome Tom to the Diablo Community Management Team.


To everyone on the CM team.

I am looking forward to the new D4 blog update will it be posted before you take off for the holiday in December? I will have faith that Blizzconline will have some great news for the Diablo community. Please not just D:I make sure you cover D4 and any new Diablo projects you might be working on. :grinning: :grinning:


No it doesn’t, it usually means they are going to speak what they deem as the truth, and truth often is offensive to those who have been programmed with lies. By saying no offense they think what they have to say is important while knowing it might hurt feelings, but it isn’t their intent to hurt. Your CM opinion on the matter is one of control with the intent to keep people from posting opinions and ideas that you don’t want being shared in this post. No offense.

Two new games are being added to the franchise and potentially a remaster or remake of D2. That’s an additional 2 more game forums to the already existing 3 within the franchise. This doesn’t include sub forums and Tech forums, nor the potential for a 6th forum if D2 is remastered.


tbh, from the community’s point of view, it seems all a CMs job is to type “We’re listening to feedback, we promise!” and acknowledging the occasional bug on season launch every three months.

Could we get a chatbot to do this? I think so.


Yeah, I know, and I know I was being a SoB.
However, Seeing how Nev also had to manage the CM work of 3 games (D2, D3 and Diablo: Immortal) while also having to work on Blizzcon 2019, with Diablo a big part of it, and she still it so good at all of those, I can’t help but having comparisons.

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Welcome to the dark side Tom, hope you enjoy your time with us! Looking forward to seeing you around and good luck!

What on earth…no offense is a terrible way to start any sentence. No offence, you’re fat. No offence, you have bad breath. No offence, you are a terrible diablo 3 player.

It usually means what they deem as the truth? Just say your opinion, don’t put no offence in front of it, it’s a immature writing style.

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Twice only she posted a paragraph announcing a D2 reset, never anything else. Diablo Immortal there is no community yet to manage. She likely left because they didn’t want to pay her to do a whole lot of nothing for several months.

No offense, but no offense taken.


Great… Another person to ignore the Diablo’s playerbase’s suggestions/feedbacks to improve the game… I’ve been here long enough to know that it doesnt matter who joins as a CM, it always feels like I and/or we as Diablo players feel unheard. Anyways welcome i guess…


Welcome new Mod to the forums

You should check out Project Diablo 2.
It is basically just like the so awaited remaster of D2 with around 6k-12k active online players on it (about 30k registered).
Feels like diablo2 servers around 20 years ago.