Welcome Back, UE Gizzard Build. My have I missed you!

I don’t want to marry the build. Just take it out for a little fun, lol.


Yep, what UE really needs is a pixelpull. The loss of EoJ for FoT since the follower rework is what has really killed the fun of UE for me, so much so that I tried dropping Squirts for EoJ. I was able to enjoy UE again but at the cost of some raw DPS.

That being said I think adding the pixel to UE itself would be quite clunky set design. What they should have done, at least, is give free FoT as season power. Definitely a missed opportunity here.

Going by this analogy, it’s like saying you want to take someone else’s wife out for a little fun. I guess you’re a real “player”.


Listen, the grenade blaster had its day. At the time, that was bleeding edge gameplay. Today? I don’t think it’s really a great idea to buff a build like this to S-tier. Antiquated, repetitive gameplay is best served in spin-to-win type builds, not the point and clickers. It wouldn’t be really healthy to push this as a top shelf gameplay experience for the “player” base as a whole.

Buddy, for some reason my thoughts trailed away to the black mushroom.


Now about the UE set might a boost to the spell behavior make a difference?

How about a stack system so that MS boosts the generators and vice versa.

“For every cast of MS that hits a target you get a stack, max 5, your next generator will cast and consume the number of stacks you have.”

A second stack could be used for casting generators were each stack increases MS by 20% up to max 100.

Again casting MS would consume the stacks.

Just one idea, what do you guys think?

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Btw one question, the additive nature of the 6 bonus remains the same and the gain is the same in percentage. See Redcell 's guide.

But. Due to the higher value of the bonus do we need to rethink that?

They could simply do casting a generator increases the damage of your Primary and Secondary skills by 100%.

The problem with mixing multishot and a generator is item collision. Hungering Arrow needs 9th cirri, simplicity Strength. Depth diggers and hunters wrath. You aren’t going to pack all that in your UE6 MS buildout.

Tbh I did a raw test this season and wasn’t displeased tbh, not saying that it is a thing though. Not that knowledgable to support such a claim.

But even if you choose one of the two, generator OR MS as your main damage dealer you would probably use both in the spell bar and with a mechanic like this you would be able to give a boost to your main damage dealer.

Nice catch though ;), I did make my mumbo jumbo suggestion in a previous thread.

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Weird, it doesnt seem that much stronger to me outside of OP season theme.

I’ve done a GR 129 and I’m still climbing in non season PTR. On live, I 've done GR 120 in the same amount of time. That said, I got Agonox as the Guardian on the PTR and he’s a terrible boss for me with the Gizzard build but the maps were good, Battlefields and Cemetery.

I just wish I could remember the formula to calculate the shield’s toughness. I’m running with more life than I would in a 120. In a 120 on live, I can run with life that’s sub 25,000. On PTR, my shield’s a bit weaker but my life is almost as much my shield, around 350K.

Anyway, it does seem to be around a 11 GR buff.


Did anyone else try out 2 piece Nats with UE? The Discipline gained back made spamming Displacement and Shadow Glide SUPER comfortable and the runs were incredibly fast. I only tried it in t16 but didn’t get a chance to see what would happen with Guardians or augments/ paragon in GRs. There’s a little play with belt/bracers and the entire cube.

Is there an advantage running UE6N2 versus just running N6? N6 w/ Strafe did a great job wiping out stuff out on its own, plus you can squeeze more movement speed into pure N6 with the free ring slot.

But if you’re set on UE6 for T16, you can keep Shadow Glide+Displacement up without N2 just by equipping Yang’s + Blood Vengeance passive. Of course do not hotkey Shadow Glide, the 30% movement speed effect can stay active 100% of the time by reactivating at the end of its 5 second duration. If you’re struggling with discipline swap the Preparation rune to Focused Mind for a small damage loss.

Oh, it was more about asking a question of messing around with UE on PTR in a UE-specific thread. Honestly though I did find it to be super smooth and there’s something about the way UE instantly blows up $hit you can’t even see yet. I had Shadow Glide set at 4.9sec and I did keep Blood Vengeance but the 2N was really nice for fixing a “drought”. It was also amusing to push something like 4-5 APS with Echoing Fury. Everything involved, my first NR was around a minute; all resources essentially stayed 100% full, Vengeance was fine with Zodiac, generally 350+ movement (Warzechian, Krelms, Wreath etc)

Just something fun yet godlike at the same time.

They could have seriously upped the nostalgia value by buffing elemental arrow :grin:

Panacea could have been a flat 1000% bonus with a per-rune mod and cured lots of EA problems.