Weird lag on barbarian

I’m not sure if it is a bug or just some weird lag. The game shows my latency is fine, but I’m getting a 1-2+ second delay when trying to play my barbarian. In town I’m fine, but when I go to do any of the missions, the game keeps telling me that I don’t have enough fury (though my fury globe is full) to use WW or Rend. I can’t use leap or ground stomp, though the timers are showing that I’m okay. I was playing earlier today and didn’t have these issues, just developed since around 12 CDT (10PT).

Not a bug. Read the sticky notes at top. And also, read the item descriptions before equipping them.


Your Barbarian…

Is wearing…

Which brings us to…


Good grief… This thing again? Seriously?


Thank you. I forgot I had equipped those and I haven’t ever used them before. It does seem weird that all I got was ‘Not enough fury’ though. That’s why I was confused. I didn’t see any other indication (though I am tired and have had a rough day so forgive me.).
Also, does attacking mean using healing and such? It seemed like everything was slow not just movement and attacking. If it does, than maybe the description should be fixed.

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