We should be able to adjust Diablo 4 UI on console

So as a console player, I see the point that the Q1 update was making, that it is easier for players to look at the corner UI the further away they are from the TV. So they are implementing both center and corner configurations into the game. However, later in the update they state, “So, while we will only stick to the corner configuration on consoles, we will offer both left and center positions as options on PC.” I don’t understand the thought process here, why are you specifically limiting the customization of a console player. I play D3 on a TV sitting on the couch and have thought to myself so many times I just want the center bar look, just because it looks cooler/more sleek. If i want to make that choice to sacrifice visibility for an aesthetic reason, why are you not allowing me to access UI customization. I would just prefer console players are allowed some of, if not the same amount of customization and freedom to edit our experience as PC players. Hopefully we can see a change in the future for the console version of D4. Thank you for reading my rant lol

Possibly a result of needing to zoom in already for couch/tv mode… ie. struggling for screen real estate. I dont object to the option, but if they dont think it works they might spare themselves the effort?

The zoomed in effect on console is utterly disliked. There is no need for console players to be forced into a zoomed in point of view.

If you play co-op on the same screen it auto zooms out, so why not allow the ability to toggle the zoom when playing as a single player on one screen. I have heard the argument that zooming in reduces the demands on the gpu. That argument in null as per the previous mention of the auto zoom out while co-op.

The forced zoomed in graphics actually causes significant problems with gameplay mechanics. An example would be enemy aggro range. Charging bulls are able to aggro and charge a player from way off scrern, not allowing the player the opportunity to recognize the graphical tell that the bull is starting a charge and that thr player should move. The charge happens too quick to be able to respond to. While forced to be zoomed in, players are susceptible to higher chances of death.

Frankly put, there should be no difference in the ability to customize the GUI or the zoom function from console to pc.

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Toggle the zoom seems pretty fine to me. I’m playing coop virtually all the time now and i’m ok with it almost all of the time. Once it seemed super zoomed out and I wasnt sure if I was imagining it or what I thought of it, but I was super tired.

My feeling is it would have been a design choice more so aligned to comfort at the range of distances TV’s and lounges can be and less so aligned with the prefs of achievers in D3.

My lounge is as close to the TV as it can be at the moment without being uncomfortable for either game or TV, so this is helping zoomed out mode work I suspect… at least for my eyes.

Fair enough too as the game mechanics become more important to a player, a UI designers default zoom choice might fade for relevance.

Only thing I miss from non coop is seeing the targeted mob name all the time. In coop it seems to show only sometimes… mostly elites/RGs i think from memory.