We need Lobbies, Chat, Keyboard & Mouse Support for Consoles

Blizzard please add:

-Keyboard & Mouse Support to consoles

Keyboard & Mouse
Please give us the ability to use keyboard & mouse on consoles. While playing with a controller is a nice feature it is not the same as keyboard & mouse. Keyboard & mouse will make D2R on consoles one of the greatest games to ever exist and create a community that will be forever. I will pay additional money for this feature to be added I do no care what the price is.

Add lobbies
When we join battle.net we want to be greeted by the old battle.net lobby with new updated graphics just like the PC version is now. If you would like to keep the new system that you designed as well as an alternative for players we are okay with that too. But we need the old battle.net system. Side note: It would also be very cool to see you character as well as others on display in the lobby like the OG battle.net. This was kind of essential to the lobby experience in D2 LoD. We want online multiplayer to be Resurrected the same way that we remember it back in LoD.

Add chat
We need the ability to chat with each other. The original game was designed around this. It is absolutely essential for trade, duels, and quests.

Please Blizzard finish creating the greatest game of all time by including these key features.

Give us:
-Keyboard & Mouse support for consoles.


Yeah I want these things as well, biggest thing for me is keyboard and mouse support on console but the other things should be added as well.

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KB+M should not even be a topic it should have just been left in the game they literally deleted it out for console same thing with the lobby and game list they deleted it out thinking the piss poor match making system from D3 was the way to go when people absolutely hated it then and do now makes multiplayer feel single player


Agree with everything! I shouldn’t have to get a gaming pc exclusively to play d2r the way i play/played d2. All of my friends are on xbox and id really like to be able to play the game with them but not use a controller. It felt very strange playing a game i have a easy 5000+ hours in on controller.

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I couldn’t agree more.

I was expecting to have the same features as the 2000 games… Not a watered down version.

I went with the X version but I might just change it to the PC…

Trading on console will be a nightmare, you’ll need to add people as a friend so they can join you instead of just going with game name/PW.

After playing both beta, the game is unusable for high end content in HC without a keyboard. Fixed distance for teleport, bonewall and other will just get you killed.

And from the beta experience, I never gotten a full game with the in game features, so how are we supposed to get 8 players Baal with that?


I thought people were starting to learn that consoles are for children?..

Well I am a kid at heart so I guess that’s true

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Or, you know, for people that have children. Most of us are in our 30s by now.


Here’s how it works, console till about 15-18 depending on how smart you are, computer asap.

Ya that’s not how it works how it works you play what ever system you want no matter how smart you are I for one play pc and consoles


I agree, I think Blizzard needs to make D2 playable with a mouse and a keyboard on Xbox or PS5. I won’t buy D2, if you can’t play on Xbox with a mouse and keyboard. In my opinion, D2 plays with a mouse and keyboard for the best experience .

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most of us are AT LEAST in our 30’s by now…

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