We NEED gameplay / balance changes. Here is Why

lol ok dream on buddy. I’d rather have a nerfed /changed build then same old stinking stale crap for 20 years.

Are you joking? I’ve been playing this game for 18 years.

Spare me your high horse crap. I probably know more about different builds than you - yet you claim I dont even know anything about one build. lmao.

You are toxic. Accusing me of not knowing anything when you dont even know me.


Yeah. I’m 100% confident based on your comments of balance and how weak certain specs are, that you basically know nothing about the game.

Melee splash, lol.


Melee Splash is in PD2 and they implemented it well. It’s very obvious you never played it even though you lie that you did or else you would know it was a very welcome change from the modded community and helped melee even out a little bit from how overpowered casters are.

And you have no idea what you are talking about. I was around before 1.09, I’ve probably gone through way more builds and playtime than you. I’m surprised you haven’t gotten banned yet for calling people that don’t agree with you as trolls and accusing strangers that they know nothing about the game when you dont even know them.


he all know most melee skill or physical damage , range with no synergy under-perform in 1,14 , 1.14 is a big load of crap with 0 balance , any item get nerf from 1.10 to 1,14 this version only add content with no balance , compare 1,08 to 1,09 item get re-balance , 1,14 teleport to baal room and stay afk leech to level 99 , blizzard 2021 out of touch same with wow

Meh, you can sugarcoat it however you want if it makes you feel better. You’re still trusting a company that came directly from Activison.

Sure, the views are supported… barely in some cases, and NOT for things (like personal loot) that you’d think a doctored survey would definitely be for.

Well, yeah, you should expect to do that over the course of a decade. But a decade spent on a game isn’t what most people do, even casually.

You have an odd definition of core mechanics.

Core mechanics are the basis of the game, essentially - what the game is build upon behind the scenes. How items are created, what stats they have, etc. How abilities work at the base level. The damage and defense formulae.

When we say Diablo 3 has bad core mechanics, we’re talking about things like the Rune system for abilities and the 4/2 itemization system with stat rolls. For Diablo 2, the skill tree is the Rune equivalent, for instance.

Core mechanics are things that don’t usually get messed with outside of expansions.

Farming strategy and build competitiveness… those things aren’t core mechanics. The core mechanics can help determine those, but they are not core themselves.

Your definition of core mechanics is far too broad.

That’s not really something specific to Blizzard. It’s what happens to most games nowadays that are developed and ongoing. It happened to D2 when it was released and up to 10 years afterward. Happens to PoE a lot.

It’s also worth noting that “nerfing into the ground” isn’t something that should ever happen for these types of games.

The question, again, is ultimately whether Blizzard has plans to make D2:R an ongoing game or not.

snort My decade of playing WoW says otherwise. And the years of D1, D2 and D3.


That’s kind of his point. What makes this version they’re going with the real game, other than by virtue of it being presumably the last patch D2 had?

Well, actually, no. As one example, Personal Loot is something Micro and I both want, and the poll is against that particular change.

It won’t be Path of Diablo moddable.


let me asking you 1 question what is the point to remake all item set with a special look , if 95% of all these set are useless , anyone use them because these item are underpower , what is the point ??? compare to have a balance patch buffing these under power useless set , so much time and waste effort to make this set looking good for in the end no one use them . good job nice logic waste of time


Not exactly, 49% supported the addition of a personal loot option, 39% wanted FFA only and 12% were unsure.

Not really. If all of a sudden, SoJ dropped 1/65 instead of 1/650…that’s a core mechanics change. I think many people would agree.

Within one year, those legit enigmas were created. Not ten years, and I was working fulltime. I think people are remembering times before 1.13 when they complain about rune drops, else they’re just not very good/efficient at the game.

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Edit: Looks like I misinterpreted this condition. Apparently the “less drops” criterion means less than 8x party loot. I originally took it to mean less than 1/8, which I assumed was the standard ploot system everyone was voting for. But noooooo - so that means 39% of people seem to actually be OK with 8x party loot ploot. What the Hell. This survey reveals some serious issues with the respondents idea of ploot, then. Blizzard beware, that is a thicket of troubles…

You consistently misrepresent this (ahem, these) data, even after having being corrected.

  1. Should there be an optional personal loot option in multiplayer? (Lol, an optional option eh?)

No (39%)
Yes (36%)
Yes, but only if there is a tradeoff (e.g. less drops or -100% MF if active) (13%)
I am not sure (12%)

13% say they are for it only if there is some other change like -100 MF or a reduced drop rate.

Since Blizzard will not be reducing MF or reducing drop rates if ploot is added, it is far more accurate to count those 13% as a NO.

So the more accurate result from this survey is 36% yes, 52% no.

Misrepresenting results, tsk tsk tsk…


Why is that a core mechanics change? The only difference is how often you see SoJ. It doesn’t change the fundamentals of how the game is played. Regardless of how common SoJ is, your character still plays the same way, interacts with the world the same way and the goals of the game are still the same.

I don’t regard mere drop rate or item changes as core mechanics. They aren’t central enough.

If core mechanics were as easy to change as you guys seem to think then Diablo 3 would be a much better game because it would be a simple matter to fix everything wrong with it. But it’s not that simple.

One of the most broken things in D3 is the power relation between characters and items. 99% of character power comes from gear in D3, and the bulk of that from your weapon. That relationship is a prime example of a core mechanic. The devs can’t merely make weapons do less damage, and compensate it by boosting character power. Changing that relationship would require them to literally redesign every ability in the game, among other things. Does your SoJ drop rate change require anything remotely close to that? No, it doesn’t.


Sure it does. It goes from a game that I can grind for years, to a game I’d play for a few weeks at reset and get bored.

That’s changing the core mechanics for me.

When D3 went from super low drop rates, to loot raining from the sky, the core fundamentals of the game changed. It is a remarkably different game from when it was released. I find it laughable anyone would argue D3’s core gameplay hasn’t changed since release, just like I find it laughable D2’s core wouldn’t be changed by many of the proposed changes here.


Technically, the personal loot favored currently is a drop rate reduction. Each player sees less. You just skewed the interpretation to your bias. All that statement condition was meaning, was each player shouldn’t be receiving a full players 8 loot drop in their personal pile/ basically a downside when personal loot is active opposed to ffa.


As TanisGunther pointed out , you are incorrect in your assessment. 13% favored a personal loot option with a tradeoff. You are saying that those votes do not count as favoring a personal loot option and should count as a No. That is utter nonsense.

In an 8 player personal loot game, players already only see 1/8 of the total drops in the equivalent FFA game.

Exactly. Axe is showing his bias.

Consider an election with 3 candidates.
Candidate A and B are members of party X. Candidate C is in party Y.
Candidate A gets 36% of the vote. Candidate B gets 13%. Candidate C get 39%. I claimed that more people voted for a member of party X. He say that is not true when clearly it is true.

You are claiming that 52% voted for a candidate in party Y. This claim is completely and utterly wrong.

The simple fact is that many inaccurately believed that personal loot meant up to 8X drops. I suspect many of the votes against personal loot in the reddit survey thought that.


In the example given, the drop rate of one item was changed (SoJ). That would not be a core gameplay change.

Your analogy to D3 is not applicable. D3 changed from free trade to restricted trade, D3 introduced ancients and then primal ancient legendaries. D3 became far more set-centric in RoS. So on and so forth. D3 changed the drop rates of all legenebdaies on multiple occasions.

The suggestion is to make a few changes to the drop rates to some items. The suggestion is not to do all the things that happened in D3 where many were associated with RoS.

I have been asked about core mechanics in D2 and have been thinking more about this.

In the simplest sense, in D2 we use the mouse and keyboard to kill things where there is certain chance that an item drops.

In D2, one skill was assigned to left mouse click and one to the right mouse click. If you wanted to used a third skill two button pushes were required.

D2R has controller support and now allows the “third” skill to be implemented with a single button press (instead of 2) if I have read the accessibility blog post correctly. I personally like this change but at a minimum, we are interacting with the game differently. Also, support for non 4:3 screen dimension changes both PvP and Pv/M.


Personal loot ruins gameplay. There is a thousand games out there for you to get your participation trophy, just please let this remake be that, a remake, with zero of the “modern” aspects of gaming witch suck the soul out of games.

D2 has lasted as long as it did because it does not have all this stuff. D3 is a mess because it does have all that stuff. I don’t understand why?

I don’t get why you are so focused on getting personal loot implemented and again you are still holding onto that Reddit survey like your life depends on it. I just don’t understand why you need this changed so badly?

Finally, was this reddit survey a religious experience to you? Because it seems to have had a dramatic effect on your life.


I was using SoJ as an example, but was assuming a flat increase in drop rates for all items, not just one.

There is a point in which changing drop rates changes core gameplay. How people farm, how often, how efficient they need be, how much they need to trade vs self found.

Trading is core to the game, 100%. D2 was intentionally designed as a cooperative effort, with trading in mind. Changing drop rates enough, will change the trading dynamic to a more self found one.

Just because the game can be played solo, does not mean trading and cooperative play is not core gameplay. Changing drop rates excessively would change my gameplay…I mean, really it would just get me to refund, but…in the hypothetical that I would still play, it would change far too much.

Yes these are core gameplay changes as well, especially if widescreen support isn’t somehow limited.

I’m fine with controller support, etc…but yes, those could be changes to core gameplay as well. Never have I said I was against core gameplay mechanics. I just think people are using a very narrow view of what core gameplay is, so narrow it’s almost unnecessary to discuss in a remastered game.

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That is you opinion. Some people prefer personal loot. We are advocating for a personal loot option. We are NOT advocating to have FFA loot be replaced with personal loot.

If you feel that personal loot ruins gameplay, you only create or play in FFA only games. Nothing changes in your gameplay. Others can choose to play in personal loot games.

On this forum, at least one claimed that an option for auto-gold pickup ruins gameplay (I strongly disagree). If however someone really believed that and were not simply trolling, then they do not need to turn off the option for auto-gold pickup.


Yes that is fine, but in a system like that, those who choose personal loot should have all they find bound to them and be forbidden from trading, as those who choose to play via the classic method of loot in D2 share what gets dropped with everyone else, which encourages trade, whereas with personal loot, you don’t have to give up a single gold coin.

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It depends on magnitude. A 5% change in drop rates most likely would not even be noticed by the players. A 1% change definitely not.

If the change in drop rates were uniform across the board, their relative ratios are unchanged. Players wuld still farm the same areas. Players who care about efficiency would still play efficiently. Nothing would change in that regard.

The question of how ofen players would play is interesting. i could see it going either way. They would be players who get their gear and then stop playing. For these players, they would play less. Other players might find the increase in drop rate more rewarding and play more.

I question this statement. FFA loot does not promote cooperation. It promotes botting, pickit users, competitiveness, ninja looting, etc… I am told over and over again that D2 is about a dark and dreary world where each player is out for themselves.

We have mentioned this block on trading before. I have explained that personal loot players in an 8 player game only sees 1/8 of total drops and that total drops are the same as in FFA only games. There is no difference in the number of items that could enter the trade economy in these two systems.

Furthermore, functionally personal loot leads to less items entering into the trade economy and slow down how quickly players can gear up.

In an 8 player game, lets say there are A-tier and B-tier items that are worth picking up. Advanced players may not pickup B-tier items because they have better gear. However, the less advanced players will pick up the B-tier item. In a personal loot game, there is a certain probability that the B-tier item would drop for the advanced player. That player does not pick it up and therefore that item will not be collected by anyone. That less advanced player does not get that B-tier item, meaning there is less items to potentially trade and will have a harder time gearing up.

Never did I say anything about FFA loot, I said the game was balanced intentionally around multiplayer and trading. The drop rates are low, intentionally. Nothing about FFA loot.
Brevik has referenced this in numerous interviews.

This isn’t necessarily true. If drop rates were changed enough, it could really change how often people craft rings and ammies, trying to “force” mods that had then become too easy to find naturally from mob drops.

This may cause people to run goldfind barbs less, changing the dynamic of character building, etc.

Same as imbuing staffmods. It may be far less (or more) efficient to imbue staffmods and trade them, than MFing as standard. Drop rates do change other parts of the game.

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