We NEED gameplay / balance changes. Here is Why

Apparently, you cared enough to post a response on Blizzard’s D2R forum and to whom I am not even sure.

The forums are a place to discuss opinions. Some are good and some not so good.


Ive always thought separate realms would be the only effective way to introduce even optional changes like ploot and charm invs. The spirit of the community will be messed with should all these options land in the original realm.

If those options are in a separate realm, the integrity of the original community can be preserved because everyone on the realm will still be playing the same deep game. And the fundamental feel of D2 multiplayer - competitive until we make friends and then agree to cooperate by sharing - is a deep game of multiplayer D2. Optional ploot would disrupt the spirit that has always pervaded D2 multiplayer by unfixing that established competitive-cooperative dynamic. Itd change the feel of D2 for everyone on the realm.

But another realm is a separate community, so faaaar less of an issue. A separate realm is the way to go for optional ploot and other options which would alter the deeper gameplay mechanics.


Gotta support the multi realm setup that others have mentioned. Ya’ll know I want some changes, but if we split it up to get there, I’m good with that.

Would also be very interesting to see the population of said realms. Would be fascinating to see % of players who want the classic ‘no changes’ besides QoL/graphics compared to ‘new stuff and beyond’ and then see those numbers. I have a feeling the change group would have more players.


I would be ok with multiple realms - one for purists and one for new content / rebalanced

The question is, whether Blizzard will want to invest the time and resources to create another realm or not. I doubt it - I think D2R is being served as a “stop gap” before D4 comes out.


First time you spend 100 hours on a build you love, and Blizzard comes along and nerfs it to the ground you’ll be envious of the purists. You’ll never admit it, but after the loot filters, the ploot, balancing changes, and goodies you’ve secured for yourself, Blizzard will just walk in your ivory tower and yeet you off of it, because some forum post made a stink about your class/build.

Enjoy that.


I don’t honestly think he’ll care. This type of player makes it to lvl75 after 3 weeks of playing, piddles around on another character til act5 normal, and gives up to play a different game.

Meanwhile, they barely know anything about even one build, and gripe about “balance” for hours on the forums.

Thank god Blizzard doesn’t seem to be listening to those types of players too bad as of yet. Let’s hope shortly after release they completely forget about this game, except for the anti-cheat team, and bug fixes.


Thank the diablo gods the game is being made by the purists and not people who literally want a different game than the REMASTER that this is going to be. I understand all these changes would be cool to any NEW game. Not to a remaster. It literally wouldn’t be a remaster anymore by changing so many things from the original.

The Philosophy

So, when we first sat down with the intent of modernizing one of the most beloved ARPGs of all time, we knew there was work to do from all angles. The game is over 20 years old, and the longtime Diablo II community is ravenous and heavily entrenched in decades of eccentricities and quirks. Our team includes many D2 purists who have thousands upon thousands of hours in the game before working on it professionally, and our goal is not to break what isn’t broken.


So some questions come up. What is broken? It definitely sound like they have made multiple changes and plan more.

Also, changing damage of some skill from 1X to 1.05X is not equivalent to people who literally want a different game. Blizzard has said that balance changes are possible if the players want them. Moreover, Blizzard has said that the designers have a list of things that they want to change in D2R if the players want them.


Sure they want to make QOL changes if the players want them. Asking and thinking these changes are coming at launch is a bit illogical. Especially with how many times they’ve stated and re-stated they are shipping the game as it is live minus the quality of life changes. Changing the damage of an ability from 1x to 1.05x is changing the game from being a remaster to a different game. At a certain point it won’t be the same anymore. If you want drastic changes. I’d just wait for d4 or play a mod that eventually comes out to give you what you want. I’m not against quality of life changes, but expecting them to re-balance the game is really not remastering the game at a certain point and people need to keep being reminded this is a remaster not a new game.

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Did you read their interview where the lead D2R producer explicitly stated that additional changes including balance changes are coming if the players want them?

Are you actually suggesting that D2/D2:LoD never had a balance change?

Did many patches in D2 with balance changes create a “different game”?

What patch was the real Diablo 2?


Did you read their interview where the lead D2R producer explicitly stated that additional changes including balance changes are coming if the players want them?

Yes I did. I saw they aren’t against it but my personal opinion will be that they will keep D2R classic, D2R 1.14D and then maybe introduce a type that’s D2R - Updated. That way it keeps people that don’t want to play the new changes on the current version of the game.

Are you actually suggesting that D2 never has a balance change? Did many patches in D2 created a “different game”? What patch was the real Diablo 2?

I think this is pretty subjective and there are going to be many different “right answers” I honestly think the game has been on 1.13/1.14D for so long this is the version they will ship at launch minus the pretty 4k graphics overlay and currently announced QOL changes like 3 stash tabs, auto gold pickup.

Many could argue that D2 1.08, or D2 1.09 is the better game without runewords. I think it’s been well established the current version of the game is their benchmark to remaster.

I just honestly don’t understand the cry for balance changes before the game has launched and at what point are you going to say re-balancing it is no longer the same game?

Since D2 has been out for 20 years, it is already clear what balance changes make sense. Do we need to wait another 10 years?

If it were a new game, it might make sense to wait.

It would have to be rather extreme balance changes so that it was not a similar game.


Since D2 has been out for 20 years, it is already clear what balance changes make sense. Do we need to wait another 10 years? If it were a new game, it might make sense to wait.

The whole point you and other people are missing that are asking for balance changes is this is a REMASTER. Most Diablo 2 fans have been waiting for the same exact game with said quality of life improvements. Not looking for the game to be remastered, then completely changed into something new. Even their own purist team members can see that the game isn’t broken as it currently stands. Just because some builds aren’t hammerdin level doesn’t mean anything needs to be changed.

The biggest problem here is people are saying “but but but balance” when it’s a remaster not a re-make of the game. There is a huge difference. Will they listen to players - sure. I just hope the majority of players aren’t from the D3 side of things that expect it to rain down uniques (legendries ) like they are used to.

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Could you show proof that most want the same exact game with said quality of life improvements.

I know from the reddit survey with >4,000 self-reported D2 players that the majority of respondents favored balance changes in D2R.


The absence of implementation isn’t proof of delayed improvement, it could just as easily indicate rejection.

What “makes sense” varies from person to person. You’re at it again.


No I don’t have numbers for you. But I can assure you most people don’t come to the forums to post. A lot of people lurk and a lot of people don’t even post. I didn’t see this survey and I’m pretty positive a majority of the players that feel the same way as I do didn’t either. It’ll be interesting to see what happens after launch. This would be a different story if it was a controlled survey that was a pop-up at the launch of the game before you played where more players had an option to participate. Random numbers from reddit where not everyone is a reddit user are kind of a moot point.

The bottom line is the game is a re-master - not a re-make. They will for sure listen to player feedback. I just hope the game isn’t so different from the game we’ve know it to be for 20 years. The whole point of a re-master is to re-master - not edit something so drastically it’s a different game entirely from what you grew up playing.

Once you change it and if there’s no way to go back to 1.14D with a different “ladder only” type game - it’s no longer the same game we grew to love. If you want gameplay changes that make it that drastically different. Project diablo 2 and path of diablo and plenty of other Mods are out there. I’m not sure which will be supporting D2R but personally I don’t understand the cry to balance a game that’s being re-mastered.


Close this thread, nobody want any changes how like diablo2. The other one, go for an other game.


We’ve been over how internet polls are a joke, and they’ll readily agree. In the next paragraph they’ll attempt use them as a supporting point for their argument. It’s maddening and it’s constant.


Correct. Blizzard explicitly stated that additional changes including balance changes in D2R are possible if the players want them. We know that Blizzard in both D2R surveys asked players about whether or not they favored balance changes.

They may have looked at these results and decided not to do any balance changes. Who knows.

HOWEVER, the statement that Blizzard has NEVER considered balance changes in D2R ignores demonstrable facts.

We can at least get a hint about how >4,000 self-identified D2 players who responded to the reddit poll. The majority wants balance changes. Certainly, this poll has sampling bias but it clearly suggest that those who favor balance changes are not some smll isolated fringe community but likely the majority,

Diablo 2/D2:LoD is out there if you do not want changes. Blizzard announced that these games would not change irrespective of what happens in D2R. Moreover, D2R will not allow direct injections into D2R. Therefore, those modes will not be tolerated in D2R.

You did not have to be reddit user to answer the poll. The poll was open for two weeks and was advertised on diablo reddit, diablo 2 reddit, Blizzard’s D2R forum that requires pre-purchase to post, d2jsp, and on Rhykker’s youtube channel. This is not some obscure poll.

Moreover, every other poll with >100 respondents have largely confirmed the results of the reddit poll. The reddit poll also agree with the overall feedback across multiple D2 forums.

Facts are facts. If people deny the facts, they tend to constantly reminded by others of the truth.

Sometimes when it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck.

You can deny the fact it is a duck and not want to hear otherwise. Please do not be surprised if misinformation and disinformation is constantly corrected.

You may want to discredit every single D2R poll with a reasonable sample size that have largely been consistent. The fact is the “no change” D2 crowd is an extremely small fraction of the entire D2R playerbase.


diablo 2 1.14 suck so broken and unbalance full of bug and exploi bot and hacker will abuse this game soon sure this type of player ask no change
this is not the diablo 2 he play 20 year ago 1,09