We need D4 forums already

seriously. every time i enter this place i have to dig deep to find a d3 post


Not surprising considering we had an update regarding Diablo 4 not too long ago. Give it a few weeks and it’ll die down again (at least until BlizzConline).

As for forums for Diablo 4; don’t expect that anytime soon.

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Bring it, you know this forum is going to be flooded with comments about news from Blizzconline.

I do not know why look at all of the comments already we need a dedicated place.

  • Who was it that said a forum or subsection of this forum cannot be created until . . . .
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A subsection would be expected at this point. However even if we did get that; do you honestly think people would only post their Diablo 4 feedbacks/ideas/criticisms/rants there?

Personally, I honestly doubt that folks would use the subsection, especially if it doesn’t look like Blizzard use it themselves.

As it currently stands, I don’t think anything short of a full fledge forum, one where Blizzard also uses to post updates regarding Diablo 4, would be enough to get most folks to stop posting things about Diablo 4 here. And I don’t expect a Diablo 4 forums anytime soon considering that Diablo 4 itself is still far off the horizon.

So yeah, we’re going to be stuck for awhile with Diablo 3 forums consisting of posts discussing not just Diablo 3, but also Diablo Immortal, 2, and 4.

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We do not need this exact same thread every other day. You have enough posts to know the answer as to when the D4 forums will happen.

I’m pretty sure I said something along the lines of:

D4 Forum won’t be created until D4 game accounts can be assigned. This is to limit posts to licensed players.

Now, for sub-forum of D3, I’m all for that. IIR - it was a piece of cake adding a sub-forum (in some other forum SW). It just comes down to “above Pez’s pay grade”.

No who at Blizzard said:

I see players saying it but no one from Blizzard I understand the need for an account. All I am sayings is with all of the feedback D4 is getting the game should have a subsection. Just like D:I should have a subsection. If the official forums will come later.

OP makes a post with D4 in the title.


This comes with a caveat; we’re still a way out from launch. Because we’re heads down in development, we’re not launching a dedicated forum for Diablo IV yet.

However, we still want you to feel welcome to discuss the game amongst yourselves. While we may not be able to answer all your burning questions, we are committed to sharing updates with the community and participating when we can.

Taken from:

As I said before, a subsection could work, however only if Blizzard themselves uses it. If they don’t, then most folks won’t either and would instead continue using the Diablo 3 forums.

This is the issue I see the D3 general forum is now basically the “All things Diablo Related” forum. So just change the name of this forum.

IIRC - they want all D4 feedback in the quarterly update sticky thread.

(some people just don’t listen to instructions very well)

This compounds the situation, they want feedback for the update in the quarterly update section. As soon as the update is posted some players are giving feedback in the general forum. So, which section is Blizzard reading?


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Classic, :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Not necessarily. Most of the topics relate to Diablo 3 in a way. I mean it’s not like you see anyone using the D3 general forums asking what’s the best build to use for a Diablo 2 hammer Paladin. The threads that aren’t exclusively about Diablo 3, still in a way make a reference to it. For example, most of the Diablo 4 threads constantly refer to Diablo 3 when making examples.

Once again, Blizzard themselves had deemed it too early for a Diablo 4 forums. A subsection would work, but only if Blizzard themselves use it when they post information regarding DIablo 4, while actively move relevant threads there. If they don’t, a Diablo 4 subsection would mostly gather dust, while the general forum would still have continuous usage in terms of Diablo 4 topics.

If they move all the D4 and D:I related material, all we will be left with is 7 threads:

Power creep is bad/good.
Bots are rampant.
Can we get pets to pick up mats.
I hate the seasonal theme because …
When does the season start/end?
Can we have an offline mode.
Build X sux, please buff.


You forgot our resident D2 fanboys. :point_down: :point_down:

#8. D2 is the best game ever along with every condescending comment ever made about D3.

  • When many of us have moved on to D4 they will still be on the D3 forum venting.

#9. I do not understand something in the game, so the game must have a bug.

#10. Why does my game always crash.

#11. Why do others close the portal on me.

#12. Why do I get kicked from bounties.

#13. I cannot locate the patch notes any ware.

  • Even when they have been posted in several locations.

#14. Long time Diablo Player, I have been playing Diablo since D1 and blah, blah, blah.

So you see the D3 forum will still have plenty to talk about if we had a D:I and D4 forum.

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